Alta 3/27/2014

Found skidog in the Collins line at 9:15 and took about 3 lifts up Collins with him. It was prob around 29 degrees I'm guestimating ( you can look it up if you really want to) -- moderate winds at the base and snowing fairly good. The winds were never an issue today, ranged from light to moderate all over the mountain. We skiied West Rustler and over near High Nowhere (I think he called it Garbage Chute) and High Greeley to Greeley Hill. We were both hootin on the Greeley Hill run..really untracked at around 10:30 am. Overall, it was about 8-10 inches of medium density snow. Definitely face shot worthy, but wasn't the glamorous 3% Alta is known for. I think the storm came in a little warm yesterday....

We parted ways and I headed over to Supreme. Ran into Bob D and college buddy en route to Supreme....anyways...Supreme skied beautifully. Not sure if I was feeling lazy today for Catherines access but the low hanging fruit in Supreme Bowl was very very good. A solid 9" I would say had dropped by mid morning from the previous day and it was a blast. Lots of face Hitting bottom in a few spots, definitely not bottomless, but quite good skiing. Not too busy, relatively speaking. Supreme Challenge has got to be one of my favorite lines in Alta..skis so deep over on the left hand side (skiers left)....nearly waist deep. No joke........Took a run over in Catherine's (Sunset?) . Skiedd beautifully - very minimal tracked but.......its over fairly quickly and not too steep .....

Took some lines off of Sugarloaf. I know the APP doesn't ski Sugarloaf much, but I find incredibly fun untracked lines (Amen) in this area....not steep, not deep, but....often overlooked. Plus the hidden benefit of a high speed quad to access...

I decided to take a lap over in Mineral Basin at Snowbird with the hopes the Sugar Cliff area was such luck. Skied some lines off of Baldy but...when it's stormy and windy....Mineral can be tough - visibility wise. Took two runs and said goodbye to Snowbird.

Took a couple more runs off of Sugarloaf --there is some real fun little areas off of Devil's Elbow (lower) that don't get noticed. Not steep, but very untracked and you might get a few good lines.....overall, had a couple good runs over @ Sugarloaf. At 2:45 I took the rope tow back to Collins.

Took two runs on Collins (3 pm by this time). Spruces (I hope I have this right) skied beautifully ....almost untracked again due to re-fill effect. Really rippable at 3:15. I was surprised it really filled in and felt almost nearly untracked. The wind can do wonders in this area under Collins lift.

Got in the car at 3:45. Great day, relatively low traffic on the hill. Tomorrow will be good as they open the gates that were closed today.

PS - got to meet and ride up the lift w/ the owner of Alyeska....i love me some Alta/Bird but Alyeska is such a unique place to was a pleasure meeting the gentleman.....


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jojo_obrien":p0shb0ti said:
PS - got to meet and ride up the lift w/ the owner of Alyeska....i love me some Alta/Bird but Alyeska is such a unique place to was a pleasure meeting the gentleman.....

Amusing factoid: the gentleman you met owns Alyeska but actually lives in Alta. why would that be? :-k
I meant the question to be rhetorical as I thought the answer was rather obvious. Apparently you didn't.
i skied Alyeska when they had >900" in 2012 . i had so many epic days that season.....( I don't use that phrase lightly)..........I've had great days @ AltaBird this season, but I haven't had what I call "epic" .............

at the end of the day, Alaska isn't for everyone, but it is for some people.........
Alyeska is amazingly uncompetitive. No question jojo got more untracked by admin's purist definition there than he does at AltaBird.
Alyeska is amazingly uncompetitive. No question jojo got more untracked by admin's purist definition there than he does at AltaBird.
Alyeska is amazingly uncompetitive. No question jojo got more untracked by admin's purist definition there than he does at AltaBird.