Alta 9-17


New member
Headed up to Alta saturday for some very late season turns. Was in a rush, so at the time gunsight seemed like the best plan...


Not as wide as i thought it would be. The steep slopes on either side were super tough to maintain a grip on in sandals ..doh
Steep enough that i coudnt get down to the snow without sliding, so i put my skis on ahead of time and walked over.


Definitely rock skis material. The snow and the skiing was awful, big runnels, narrow....


but it was pretty easy access skiing for september, so i cant complain, ..hoping for some fresh powder for october....
Good to see the SLC lifestyle hasnt mellowed your passion G! Were those heels locked down? :shock:
I've been sticking my feet in the freezer just to feed the jones for skiing!
Yeah, that snow patch was totally east coast style :)

The heels were not locked, but no tele turns were made in that crap. Def one of the worst ski days ive had, but still excellent :)