Alta/Bird 2/11/13

Started out at Gad 2 with the hopes that Tiger Tail would be open. The lines out west were bombed heavily but there was no sign of the upper gate opening. The lower gate was open the previous day and fairly tracked.

Headed back to Mineral to get back to Alta....fairly heavy mashed potato type of snow in mineral -- all tracked from the previous day's feeding frenzy. Very flat light that required care when heading down into Mineral.

Headed straight to Supreme with the anticipation of a Catherines opening. Within one lap, Catherine's opened and the goods were good -- light, untracked, fresh pow.....beautiful lines. Did four laps with some incredible face shots. I could include the pics but the light is so flat.........they arent that good.

Headed back to the Collins side with anticipation of the opening of Ballroom. The normal line was forming, so I took a few laps on Sugarloaf.....eventually Ballroom opened.........although......I must say.......I could probably stand a class in traversing etiquette ......I'm becoming a powder fiend....nevertheless, Ballroom skiied beautifully -- including Tombstone.......great lines. Light to moderate feeding frenzy.

Took three laps in Ballroom before noting that Backside was opening (the hiking part). Took the hike up and had a glorious run of substantial untracked, beautiful lines w/ a number of face shots. The sign notes that the lower gate is closed to preserve the "experience" for the folks hiking up on the higher traverse. Skiing those untracked lines without the masses is truly an "experience." It really is something special.

Hiked up to Glory Hole and enjoyed a beautiful untouched line. Very very little traffic on Glory Hole. Should be good tomorrow. ASP bombed the hell out of it.....

By then, the lower Backside gate was open, and I managed about 5-6 incredible laps through the Backside, nearly all untracked or very lightly tracked. It was really quite good. I skiied until 2:45 and was jonesin for lunch by that point.

Headed back to the Bird (Baldy/Mineral/Regulator) to Gad 2 with the hopes that upper Tiger Tail might be such luck. The lines look sick back there. Should be curious to know when it will open. Road to Provo also closed. All throughout the day I saw some nice slabs all over the mountain.

Killer day with a substantial # of face shots.......quite uncrowded. Flat light but one of the best days of the year.
Glad you understand the whole High Notch opening first thing. Give it first to those willing to work for it.

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that hike is a good little workout......

however.....regarding the base....i'm still eagerly awaiting devil's castle to open.....have never skied that area ....they have only had a partial opening of that area a few weeks ago ....
In order to open, Devil's Castle needs:
1. quite a bit of snow - it's even more of a rock garden than Backside. Only with this recent storm did we reach sufficient snow depths to make opening realistic.
2. stable snow - it's a big area and is known for sympathetic triggers and slides. Quite a few years ago (25?) ASP set a charge in the usual spot under the Sugarloaf Cliffs. When it went it triggered the entire slope above the cliffs plus the area under the big side-step section. The run out for all that snow went across Cecret Lake and across Devil's Elbow, killing a person on the groomer.
3. a relatively large weather window - it takes a lot of work and a lot of explosives to control that area; unlike Backside or Ballroom, ASP isn't going to do all that on the Castle if there's just going to be another storm in a day or three.

Given current conditions and wx forecast, I wouldn't hold your breath on it opening till after the current round of storms and impulses.