Alta got 20" of snow...didn't any of you Utards ski????

I did....Admin should have some report to follow...I dont ever do TR' WAY too lazy.

He got some good shots i bet today was NICE...

14300 verts by work by 1...cant beat that with a stick.

I did, too, but no camera today. Yeah, today was pretty spectacular, even if it wasn't bluebird 'cept for just a little in the morning. Couldn't make it up yesterday, so today I focused on terrain that was closed during the storm but opening up today. Managed to time the rope drops well, yielding untracked runs on Armpit, Tombstone Too, a pair of High Notch entries to Backside lines, and something out in the middle of Devil's Castle. The distinct lack of practically anyone enabled a less aggro approach to finding untracked, and the usual stuff took a bit longer to get hammered than on a 20" day in February. Adding in runs on (now fully tracked out) Graveyard, Annie's, Lower Thirds, and a pair of Eagle's Nest/Russ 4's finished out the day.

Ran into and skied with Keith and Tirolpeter, but never saw Admin or Skidog.
Yup! Yesterday was POW in all directions with mellow temps and nice skies. I met a lovely couple from Connecticut and introduced them to all the powder that collects in the trees. They also learned that Alta rewards those willing to traverse a bit. At the end of the day I got one of those: "This was the best day of skiing I have ever had." comments from both of them. Today was a bit gray and light was flat. Still managed to bury myself in several feet of powder in Ballroom :lol: It went "poof" when I landed after my left ski decided on an alternative route. :wink:

Met up with Marc_C at Collins and decided to go with him on a run out on the High T. We were rewarded by some really sweet turns as our last run.

I think we are up to 628" as of today :D
The TR is coming, it's coming...but probably not until this evening. Too backed up with work right now.
E. Nigma went up skiing with Mira this morning. I've been working from home this morning but am headed into the office now.