I did, too, but no camera today. Yeah, today was pretty spectacular, even if it wasn't bluebird 'cept for just a little in the morning. Couldn't make it up yesterday, so today I focused on terrain that was closed during the storm but opening up today. Managed to time the rope drops well, yielding untracked runs on Armpit, Tombstone Too, a pair of High Notch entries to Backside lines, and something out in the middle of Devil's Castle. The distinct lack of practically anyone enabled a less aggro approach to finding untracked, and the usual stuff took a bit longer to get hammered than on a 20" day in February. Adding in runs on (now fully tracked out) Graveyard, Annie's, Lower Thirds, and a pair of Eagle's Nest/Russ 4's finished out the day.
Ran into and skied with Keith and Tirolpeter, but never saw Admin or Skidog.