Alta/Snowbird, UT 1/20/2013


Staff member
This morning was literally a carbon copy of yesterday morning.


Another Chamber of Commerce weather day in the Wasatch

Snow conditions and weather were identical to those from yesterday and nearly so was our plan of attack: take a few runs at Alta, grab a coffee at Baldy Brews and then head to Snowbird for a few runs. My cold was still hanging on strong, too.

Snowbird was busier than Alta again as it was yesterday, but a minor modification to the MBE liftline at Snowbird made it more tolerable. Thank you, Snowbird, for fixing that, sort of. Skidog was absent for the morning and TheOtherAmy was off skiing with her beau. There were few other differences from yesterday.


I really wish that Snowbird patrol had let us have the Sugar Cliffs this morning

We met up with Marc_C and two of his friends for lunch in the GMD saloon as Mrs. Admin arrived for her first ski day of the season. The others headed back to the Bird after lunch as Skidog kept an eye on his 4-year-old having her first ski lesson, and Mrs. Admin and I went cruising the blues.

We rode up Collins and headed straight for Supreme, but by this time Devil's Elbow was scraped down to scratchy manmade. The natural cruisers of Supreme were in far better shape and Mrs. Admin finally started having fun.


Mrs. Admin on Supreme, dressed like it was -10°F

We stayed on Supreme right up until it closed, then rode Sugarloaf and descended Collins Gulch as the afternoon sun dipped below the ridge and temperatures plummeted. We finished up with a beer at GMD at 4:15 chatting with our friend Sam before enduring the red snake down the canyon. I now know why I never stay until 4:30.

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Arrived at about 1230 to get Hailey all set up for her first lesson. LEft her about 1pm and skied about 5 runs before I had to grab her at 3:15. She had a great time and so did I. Highboy was the highlight of my day. Chalky, smooth (skiers left). Did it from the top to the lift non stop, boy were my legs burning but it felt good.

Here is a small vid i took of Hailey when I stopped to check up on her. She is the one with the blue hat (on the way outside at the end of vid).
What did you guys do to the High T??? Especially Piss Pass? Especially, especially the 50 yards of rock garden just before Piss Pass??? That's getting pretty ugly up there!!!
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admin":2iabqegu said:
Skidog kept an eye on his 4-year-old having her first ski lesson
No do it yourself like JSpin and I did? If you want them skiing interesting terrain and off the groomers by 6 or 7 it's well worth investing the time when they're 3-5. Of course it depends on the kid. If they are not that motivated to ski and thus less willing to take parental direction (as Andrew was on both counts) then it's best to delegate to ski school.
Tony Crocker":2dq6uhjp said:
admin":2dq6uhjp said:
Skidog kept an eye on his 4-year-old having her first ski lesson
No do it yourself like JSpin and I did? If you want them skiing interesting terrain and off the groomers by 6 or 7 it's well worth investing the time when they're 3-5. Of course it depends on the kid. If they are not that motivated to ski and thus less willing to take parental direction (as Andrew was on both counts) then it's best to delegate to ski school.

Hailey has been on skis since age 2 with me and a ski trainer. Problem was she wanted to ski 2 runs and play in the snow. With an organized class including her peers seemed to make her want to do more. I think 1 or 2 more organized lessons and her and I will be hitting the slopes on our own and me back into the instructor role. Cant wait.

I didn't mention it on he board yet but 2 weeks or so back I was standing at the Harold's gate out in ballroom and I look up and see a rather small boy exiting main chute. I look up and ask what seemed to be his father how old he was. Turns out he was 8. Ripping main chute at 8? Friggin incredible and hope my kid is doing the same.

Looking forward to much bonding time on the slopes with both kids.
Adam was 9 on his first trip to Utah, skied the Upper Cirque and Highboy. 14 is the first age I know he would have been interested in Main Chute though, mainly because he wasn't willing to hike much for turns until then. Admin should try to entice JSpin's kids (who are already hiking and skinning) out to LCC. And of course there's always Morgane. :stir: