Alta/Snowbird, UT 4/2/2014


Staff member
Day 64: Perfect.

With 18" of new snow I left work this morning for two hours of powder laps before returning to the desk job.

I couldn't have made a better decision. I managed to score 8th chair up Collins this morning with some folks visiting from Invermere, B.C. and arrived at the top just as patrol had opened the High Notch hike to Backside. As most others went some other way to descend, by my own quick calculation that meant that there were significantly fewer than 28 people ahead of me. \:D/

That brutal little sidestep always kicks my butt, especially when people hot on your tail are frothing at the mouth, so it was an easy decision to drop onto an untracked High Yellow Trail as nearly everyone else hoofed out to High Notch proper. I figured that I'd make the saddle over to Backside at just about the same time that the young hotshots would make the Notch, and that turned out to be the right call as I was able to successfully stay just ahead of all but just a couple of the High Notch skiers and find my own little slice of heaven between the piles of avalanche debris.


Upper Backside, with my track on left. Hey Tony, that's what powder looks like.


Lower Backside (my track at left center)

That was easily the best run of my season thus far. Perfect snow depth (no bottoming out on the base at all -- I never felt it once). Perfect snow consistency (it had yet to be affected by sun or wind at all). Perfect untracked (by my definition of powder, not Crocker's whacked-out version). It was absolutely perfect.

Did I mention that it was perfect? :mrgreen:

I hooked up thereafter with Telejon, AmyZ and jojo_obrien. We arrived at the top of Collins right as ASP opened the Instructor (gravity) Traverse into Backside, and we were third, fourth and fifth through the gate, so we got another helping of fresh. Our third lap was through Susie's Trees. There was still plenty of untracked snow in Susie's as Alta was strangely devoid of people this morning. Chairs were ski-on and heading up the hill less than full. The vast majority of those who were there were headed out Ballroom/Baldy Shoulder, which had itself opened just five minutes before, so we made a strategic decision to head for Susie's instead.

For our fourth run we went through the Taliban Checkpoint and skied Sugar Cliffs in Snowbird's Mineral Basin for more untracked, although you had to sniff a little harder there to find clean lines.

I had to get back to work so I already planned to hike up to the loading station of Baldy Express to return to my truck at Alta. jojo took one look at the Mineral Basin Express line and did the same -- there were far more people there than at Alta this morning, but that comes as little surprise. jojo and I finished up with an untracked Greeley Bowl to wrap up my six-chairlift, five-powder-lap ski day. I skied off to work, and jojo skied back to Collins.

At +/- 130" our base is deeper now than it's been all season.
you left at the right time........i combed the entire west rustler / high boy/ stone crusher area and it was just hammered.

i took two more laps out on baldy shoulder.........the sign @ cheaters entry said "do not cut into this traverse to preserve the skiing experience blah blah blah" -- first time i've ever seen that..........funny thing was...there was a massive traverse already cut right past this line :mrgreen: i felt i had gotten slighted early this am for some i went on the cheaters traverse under bad news cliffs (sue me) and scored 4-5 quick turns resulting in blissful face shots...

hit up susie's trees again and of course, skied beautifully.........moderately tracked but definitely some untracked and nice pillows...

founds some leftovers on backside and some leftover scraps off of sugarloaf..........

called it a day at know there are some days when you score under your handicap and some days you can't hit a shot to save your I just felt like I went 1 for 4..........personally, I've had better days.......on those 8" days when very few people are out there versus the 14" days when the serious skiiers come out and gobble everything up quickly.............
jojo_obrien":32dqdefe said:
the sign @ cheaters entry said "do not cut into this traverse to preserve the skiing experience blah blah blah" -- first time i've ever seen that..........funny thing was...there was a massive traverse already cut right past this line
The other places where there is a similar sign are out in Devil's Castle where the traverse under the Sugarloaf Cliffs starts climbing to the DC Saddle and sometimes on a white board at the Instructor's Traverse gate for Yellow Trail and Backside.

Frequently there is already a traverse line cut in these spots, as you saw on the Shoulder, despite the sign. Those are from patrol doing their bombing runs. And if you said to a local "let's do cheaters entry", chances are most locals would head out the T,,,,, I'm not aware of a name for that gravity traverse after Tombstone. I've heard someone call it the Turbo Traverse, but the real TT is over at Snowbird.

Oh....both of you are scum for ducking out of work this morning while I was running a design review workshop........
marc -- when are we gonna see you this season????! i dont think i've seen you out there yet....

i think the sign explains why amyz , admin and i saw so many people sidestepping baldy shoulder when ballroom first opened vs. the normal "cheater" traverse to get into tombstone area....
admin":iskh0ufq said:
(by my definition of powder, not Crocker's whacked-out version)
Admin is inventing a straw man here.

A month ago I agreed with the following:
MarcC":iskh0ufq said:
Personally, it can be tracked and still be powder, imho. Completely chewed up, even if still soft, is another matter.
To me "tracked" means you can see tracks but still have room to make your own. Once you can't do that it's chowder not powder and I've never counted it as such. Kirkwood's feeding frenzy last Sunday was a case in point. I'm counting less than 20% of that day as powder and nearly all of it required tedious traverses and step-ups that were worthy of Alta. I completely agree with admin that when a place gets that hammered it's worth investing some grunt work to get a cleaner line. But would I slog out Catherine's to get the first track there when I could still make my own tracks on a much longer fall line like Backside? No way.

Admin's day here was about as high percentage powder as you'll get at Alta. 5 clean powder runs with only one long traverse access; then he went home before you had to go slogging around for the leftover bits and pieces in the out-of-the-way places.
Tony Crocker":384v7yf5 said:
To me "tracked" means you can see tracks but still have room to make your own. Once you can't do that it's chowder not powder and I've never counted it as such..

This seems reasonable, though there is a big gray area between "tracked" and "fresh/clean/whatever you want to call virgin snow". Maybe it goes virgin-barelytracked-lightlytracked-tracked-chowder-etc
Philadendron":hq6ukqpu said:
Tony Crocker":hq6ukqpu said:
To me "tracked" means you can see tracks but still have room to make your own. Once you can't do that it's chowder not powder and I've never counted it as such..

This seems reasonable, though there is a big gray area between "tracked" and "fresh/clean/whatever you want to call virgin snow". Maybe it goes virgin-barelytracked-lightlytracked-tracked-chowder-etc
Just great. You've given Crocker 5 more meaningless statistics to track and argue about.
Thanks a bunch. :lol: 8)
Can't remember if I asked this question before -- at the end of every run, does Tony have to manually guestimate how much of it was powder (i.e. his definition of powder) and enter that into his vertical-counting gadget or is there some GoPro snow scanning device that does it for him?
Obviously I estimate 99% of the time. With an altimeter watch it is possible to look at it at the end of the traverse and before the runout. In the glaring case of Catherine's/Patsy Marley I did that once, and fully half of Supreme's vertical is consumed by traverse and runout. Contrary to impressions here, on powder days number crunching is not my highest priority as I've never looked at the watch at the end of the High T for example. I will do that sometime next year, since Piss Pass was not clearly identifiable looking at a summer view from Google Earth.

Backside is one of my favorite areas at Alta because most of Collins' vertical is used actually skiing.
Marc_C":1mru68k7 said:
Just great. You've given Crocker 5 more meaningless statistics to track and argue about.
Thanks a bunch. :lol: 8)

Lol, the minutiae seems crazy, but I have to say, I'm of a similar mindset as Tony when it comes to statistics. I love analyzing numbers and I love snowboarding, so combining the two is natural. I can see where he gets his urge to compulsively track everything.

jamesdeluxe":1mru68k7 said:
Can't remember if I asked this question before -- at the end of every run, does Tony have to manually guestimate how much of it was powder (i.e. his definition of powder) and enter that into his vertical-counting gadget or is there some GoPro snow scanning device that does it for him?

I've wondered the same thing.
MarcC":qsuci0yq said:
Just great. You've given Crocker 5 more meaningless statistics to track and argue about.
No, I choose to draw one line there. For me "lightly tracked" is still powder. "Tracked" depends on the situation. On an open slope where I can still squeeze between tracks, maybe it's powder. In the trees, which often force you into someone else's tracks, almost certainly not. Admin claims to only count virgin, but his repeated :drool: worthy reports with pics of "barely tracked" and lightly tracked" belie that claim.

These definitions are subjective, but the traverses and runouts can be measured. Taking the time to do so on a powder day is usually off my radar though.
Tony Crocker":ztj89e7p said:
Admin claims to only count virgin, but his repeated :drool: worthy reports with pics of "barely tracked" and lightly tracked" belie that claim.

Really? It belies what claim exactly, and how? Just to be clear, the only thing I count are days. None of this other nonsense means anything at all to me.
I'm getting confused.

If I'm the 2nd guy in a powder 8 competition, I am not skiing powder right? I mean, by definition I can't be skiing powder since I'm crossing someone else's ski tracks between every single turn I make... :-k
EMSC":1c1jbc0z said:
I'm getting confused.

If I'm the 2nd guy in a powder 8 competition, I am not skiing powder right? I mean, by definition I can't be skiing powder since I'm crossing someone else's ski tracks between every single turn I make... :-k


Philadendron":1c1jbc0z said:
Are Tony Crocker and Admin this entertaining when they meet in person?

Of course! We wouldn't want to disappoint. :wink:
"I mean, by definition I can't be skiing powder since I'm crossing someone else's ski tracks between every single turn I make."

figure 8's are overated. if you are #2, you are essentially skiing/riding chop pow every turn unnecessarily ... move over 2', make your own tracks and farm it
Philadendron":1lujh3zt said:
Tony Crocker":1lujh3zt said:
To me "tracked" means you can see tracks but still have room to make your own. Once you can't do that it's chowder not powder and I've never counted it as such..

This seems reasonable, though there is a big gray area between "tracked" and "fresh/clean/whatever you want to call virgin snow". Maybe it goes virgin-barelytracked-lightlytracked-tracked-chowder-etc

at the end of the day, its all about whose having the most fun........for me, it aint about days (quantity)......its about quality: how many days were you literally choking on snow down your windpipe - the zenith of the skiing experience (well, that and apres ski coeds in the hot tub...)........mmmm Upper Cirque.... :drool: