Alta, UT 1/10/2014


Staff member
Day 29: Mother Nature had the last laugh.

With two feet of new snow already this week I had fully expected today to be deep. I had visions of hip deep fluff. What I had not counted on were winds that we're gusting to nearly 60 miles per hour. They completely jacked the new snow, and stripped some exposed areas down to levels below where they were last weekend. What we got were alternating areas of wind slab, smooth cream the consistency of Cool Whip, and wind scoured hard sastrugi.

Apparently no one else expected this today either, because the place was a zoo. With today's opening delayed by nearly 40 minutes for avalanche control, and people continually arriving in the meantime, the pre-opening line grew to epic proportions.


There's a huge amount of pent up demand in Utah right now for a powder day. Even Wildcat was backed up beyond the Buckhorn building. The lines for Collins and Wildcat actually intertwined. We nevertheless got through the first Collins line in only about 10 minutes, and by 11 a.m. the liftlines had completely evaporated as many folks left. They either went to work or gave up.

In the morning we were hemmed in between Spruce Forest to the east and Mambo to the west. Nothing else was accessible, not even the High Traverse. I took two runs with Tony Crocker and rdwore before retiring to Goldminers to resume my work day via VPN.

The High T finally opened just before noon. After lunch I put the laptop back down to take two more runs with Tony, rdwore and AmyZ before we all gave up ourselves and headed down Canyon to home.

In short, today was a colossal let-down.
Wind buff in the afternoon was the highlight for me. Super soft and smooth. Could really let your skis run.

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PCMR was divine yesterday and creamy and windy today although not like you reported from Alta ( only 15" from storm too)
Better luck sunday.
Ohh also PCMR is getting with Brighton to offer employes one pass per week, interesting.... This is in affition to the triple play that is still valid up here in PCThe Vail plot thickens
Snowbird was rough today as well. I don't think there is much to add to Admin's post.......

Painfully slow getting up the canyon (were chains REALLY needed???)

Went up Gadzoom -- with Peruvian , the Tram, and Little Cloud closed, everyone was hitting up Gadzoom. It was .......painful. Felt like I was skiing a powder day at Mt. Baldy waiting ..and line.

Gad II was unbelievable at around 10 am. Long lines like I have never seen. Very little was open in those areas. Tiger Tail (up high) was closed. Very little was open.

Finally got up to Peruvian after lunch (tried to hit it up at 1130 and it was ......just unbelievably long). Finally got up there to have the pleasure of 50 mph winds. Not exactly a picture perfect day.

Some of the groomers not exposed to the wind were in very good, rippable shape. Probably the one upside to the day.

All in all.......a very disappointing day.
The chain restrictions weren't for this morning's conditions, they were for getting folks out if the canyon after a quick 6 to 9 inches fell during the day (which, of course, never happened).

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Admin":220tnl8b said:
The chain restrictions weren't for this morning's conditions, they were for getting folks out if the canyon after a quick 6 to 9 inches fell during the day (which, of course, never happened).

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How quickly can these conditions change? Is the snowpack screwed until the next major dump covers up the current surface?
Not really. Wind can sometimes be beneficial - witness what it did to our 9" of graupel a couple of weeks back. However, the next big dump arrives tomorrow night. And some others in Goldminers were overheard raving about how wonderful the snow was today. I'm just a princess.

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Admin":387i60s2 said:
Not really. Wind can sometimes be beneficial - witness what it did to our 9" of graupel a couple of weeks back. However, the next big dump arrives tomorrow night. And some others in Goldminers were overheard raving about how wonderful the snow was today. I'm just a princess.

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HA! Love it. Princess Marc.

Wasatch Snow Forecast now calling for 10-20" with the next system, coming in right side up. Daddy like.
not tr worthy. took an absurdly long lunch friday and rode park city as i had a a free pass...thanks jeff! wind was very beneficial. certain aspects benefited more than others. when thaynes and jupiter opened after being on windhold, found plenty of powder and had 2 runs from top to bottom without crossing a track. way fun.
