Day 36: Mobbed.
Yeah, it's a holiday weekend in the middle of a stormy cycle. Seriously, today was the busiest day I've seen all winter. I left the house at 8:20 and my drive to Alta, normally 17 minutes, took 55. Wasatch Blvd. was backed up all the way to Bengal Blvd (7200 S). My normal shortcut to avoid backed up traffic was also backed up. It was nuts.
Here, 9400 S is stop and (occasionally) go well back from the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon.
However, the snow was worth it! After roughly two feet of new snowfall since Friday, last night's wind beat it into a cool whip consistency. You rode near the surface, but bumps everywhere have been completely erased. We even did a non-stop High Boy top-to-bottom for our "warm up" run. And there were our usual little haunts to escape the people, although the vast majority were skiing groomers. Everything else, save for the Collins liftline until they finally got the EBT open to take the pressure off that lift, was delightfully under-populated.
Bobby Danger
Bobby Danger
Tiny Tim
Bobby Danger
Everyone but Tiny Tim split at 2 p.m. I did so partially because I was exhausted from yesterday's fun, but mostly because I didn't feel like a two-hour drive down the canyon at closing time.
Cars were parked on both sides of LCC Road from Snowbird Entry 4 all the way down to Snowbird Entry 1.
None of these little refreshers has been huge, but six, or eight, or 10 inches of new snow every other day or so makes for some absolutely wonderful skiing.
Oh, and funny: jojo_obrien is in town this week. Bobby stood right next to him this morning as jojo was taking touristy photos. Jojo didn't even notice.
Yeah, it's a holiday weekend in the middle of a stormy cycle. Seriously, today was the busiest day I've seen all winter. I left the house at 8:20 and my drive to Alta, normally 17 minutes, took 55. Wasatch Blvd. was backed up all the way to Bengal Blvd (7200 S). My normal shortcut to avoid backed up traffic was also backed up. It was nuts.
Here, 9400 S is stop and (occasionally) go well back from the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon.
However, the snow was worth it! After roughly two feet of new snowfall since Friday, last night's wind beat it into a cool whip consistency. You rode near the surface, but bumps everywhere have been completely erased. We even did a non-stop High Boy top-to-bottom for our "warm up" run. And there were our usual little haunts to escape the people, although the vast majority were skiing groomers. Everything else, save for the Collins liftline until they finally got the EBT open to take the pressure off that lift, was delightfully under-populated.
Bobby Danger
Bobby Danger
Tiny Tim
Bobby Danger
Everyone but Tiny Tim split at 2 p.m. I did so partially because I was exhausted from yesterday's fun, but mostly because I didn't feel like a two-hour drive down the canyon at closing time.
Cars were parked on both sides of LCC Road from Snowbird Entry 4 all the way down to Snowbird Entry 1.
None of these little refreshers has been huge, but six, or eight, or 10 inches of new snow every other day or so makes for some absolutely wonderful skiing.
Oh, and funny: jojo_obrien is in town this week. Bobby stood right next to him this morning as jojo was taking touristy photos. Jojo didn't even notice.