Alta, UT 11/26/2005 - Oink!


Staff member
This little piggy went to market
This little piggy stayed home
This little piggy had roast beef
This little piggy had none...

...and this little powder piggy had face shots, alllllll the way down!



Game on! A lake effect system is supposed to last through Wednesday or so, with 2-4 feet through tomorrow. Alta was reporting 4" of new as of 6 am, but it must've really cranked after that because there was a whole lot more snow than that! I awoke to 6" at the house this morning at 5,000 feet, but there must've been over a foot at Alta, with wind drifts much, much deeper where it was loading.

We expected only Wildcat, Sunnyside and Sugarloaf to be running, so I met Bob Dangerous at Albion base and we headed straight to Sugarloaf. It was puking snow, and the wind was howling. Full-on winter has arrived. We traversed high on Sugarloaf shoulder first for 100 verts of thigh-deep within the rope line. Part way down, though, a patroller advised that they were loading Collins, so we decided to head over there.

Getting there, however, was a bear. The Sunnyside flats were brutal, with a stiff headwind preventing much progress at all. Eventually we made it over to Collins to find gates open all over the place! We headed out the High T, bony and rocky in places where the wind scoured it down to only a film of snow covering sharp scree. Folks were giddy. Some were even hiking to Gunsight. Even the patrollers were whooping and hollering. We dropped into Christmas Tree, though, and found it positively orgasmic! Literally face shots with every turn. No, really. I'm not kidding. Fabu!! \:D/ It felt so good to have a snow-caked beard again.

I, however, am woefully out of shape. With all of the poling, traversing, and fighting headwinds my legs were already Jell-O. I decided to save myself for tomorrow, while Bob kept skiing. I therefore headed out the gate into lower Eagle's Nest, where just a moment too late I found myself standing atop a drift overhanging a 15-foot cliff. Oops! Poof!

I only logged 5,997 verts, but the pain is oh so good! Gawd, I love living here...a couple of powder runs in the morning, and home by noon. Let the games begin!


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