Alta, UT 12/1/2012


Staff member
Day 13: It's amazing how good 2" can feel.

(And yes, that double entendre was intentional. :wink: )

I woke up this morning and checked the Mid-Collins snow plot. We were supposed to get ~6" overnight but instead we got 2" of 16.5%. Major buzz kill.

Little did I realize, however, how much that 2" would change the game, and judging by the crowd (or more precisely the lack thereof) neither did most Salt Lake locals. With that kind of meat it stuck to everything, and it also acted as an insulation blanket to keep the underlying base from freezing up solid. It wouldn't slide on the base, and it was so dense that often times you didn't even feel the base. Everything was smoothed over and creamy again.

Amazing. So good, in fact, that I didn't take my boots off until 3:30 p.m. We had a great group today, too, including not only our complete usual posse but also @BraveSkiMom ( and her whole family (husband and 2 kids) over from Grand Junction, Colo., and snow writer and blogger Matt Gibson(@xpatmatt) who recently moved to SLC from B.C. When I found out that Matt has been on skis precisely one time since he was 10 years old (he's a ~30-year-old snowboarder now) I was a bit apprehensive, but he deserves huge props for hanging with the group today, skiing virtually anywhere and everywhere and actually doing it rather well and having fun at it. We also picked up stray Denver dog and Alta virgin Eric on the lift during the afternoon, and he stuck with us for the remainder of the day. Jamey Parks was in and out of segments of our group, too, but I didn't enjoy the privilege of skiing with him myself today.

The good stuff from today is almost too extensive to list, but it included Backside (which absolutely rocked this morning -- we were the first ones out there and the only ones for a few laps), Susie's, Tombstone/Graveyard/Armpit, Greeley Hill and Eagle's Nest. The High T wasn't bad in the morning but by late afternoon was getting fairly chewed up again.

Throughout the afternoon I kept saying, "OK, that was so good, one more run before I leave." That repeated itself for 4 or 5 "last runs." It looks like tomorrow's storm won't start until the evening, so we won't enjoy its benefit during the day tomorrow.

I didn't take any photos today, but Matt got some good ones which should be posted soon to this topic thread, once he does so or once I get them.
Here's one of Brave Ski Mom's pics of the group on the High T:

admin":emqvjz2g said:
we got 2" of 16.5%
As demonstrated by your experience sometimes it's much better to have that than the 5%. Mammoth has had about 3 feet of that 16.5% with another 3 feet expected.
It was an unexpectedly fantastic day. Especially since I had no idea what I was still going to be able to do on skis. I hope my legs are OK to hit the hill again tomorrow!

Thanks for the fantastic day, coaching, and brining of lost skis down the hill to me ;)

Here are some jealousy photos for those who couldn't make it. You can check out the whole album on my FB page at


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Great meeting and skiing with you today, Matt. Enjoyed the photos and look forward to the next time, maybe even at a place with snowboarding. :wink:

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Hey guys! It was a great day and Matt I'm jealous looking at your photos even though I was there.

Next time (and it will be this season), let's hit the 'bird! Can't wait to see you in action on a board, Matt.

I'll be posting about the incredible 2" day tomorrow...Cheers!
Looks good. One minor correction: Supreme was closed for lack of people, not a lack of snow. It never opens until sometime in December no matter how much snow, and in fact will open this Saturday which is earlier than usual.

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Admin":ddzclv5o said:
Looks good. One minor correction: Supreme was closed for lack of people, not a lack of snow. It never opens until sometime in December no matter how much snow, and in fact will open this Saturday which is earlier than usual.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note II using Tapatalk 2

I remember coming out there for New Years in late December and catching the opening of Supreme. It was probably 4 years or so ago.
xpatmatt said in his blog post:
"t was the best day on the hill I’d had in a very long time."

- do you think maybe it was because you were on skis? !

the you said. "Why would the down-to-earth fun-loving folks like these want to close off their hill to others?"

No, people like those you were skiing with have nothing to do with banning board. It's not done by vote. The internet reference I found says Alta is owned by a Corporation, probably run by a board of old foggies who want to keep it like it is. Maybe most of the reasoning is an a business decision, dollars & cents. For sure, Alta attracts a healthy percentage of clientele who are traditional skiers who want to ski in the company of other SKIERS. The owners might be afraid that allowing snowboarders would alter the Skiers Only mystique and reputation, thereby losing the draw of having the unique attraction of being a Skiers Only hill.

There are also practical reasons. For sure, boards chew up powder much quicker than skis do, thereby decreasing or ruining the powder skiing experience, in what happens to be the #1, or at least sharing the top with a few others, N American powder resort, and likely in the world. I agree with that. What about skiing down Little Cloud or MB next door on a powder day and skiing through these huge slough off from some board going sideways in the deep snow. Boarders ruin powder Period!

Then there are the type of people that are boarders. For sure a younger crowd. Does Alta want the "tricksters" fooling around on their hill and lying on the sidelines? Boarders have a different culture than skiers do, they even dress different. (although i see the new jacket i bought is made by a boarders clothing company, but hey now, it fits just perfect!)

Personally I'm not against boarders and have no problem in sharing the hill with them at Snowboard. They don't bother me. But when I go out for a day on the hill, I go with other skiers. But that's more of a factor of my age, not prejudice.

My bottom line, which has nothing to do with the ban. A board is a much inferior way of getting down the hill than on skis. The board simply does not work as as well as a ski for sliding on snow. To me, it's a novelty. I worry that in years to come our sport will deteriorate because too many boarders will simply give it up when they hit their 30's because the novelty wears off and they never were able to accept that their is a better and "more fun" way to get down the hill.

One last thing. Even after snowboarding is now well-established and a mature sport - I always notice when in the Snowbird tram or watching the action on Little Cloud, with the most dedicated skiers/boarders from the around the country and around the word,that only about 10%, or less, of them are with a board. I consider those folks the "elite" of our society - and even after all these years. They vote for SKIS as the way to get down the hill.