Alta, UT 12/18-19/10


Staff member
Days 18-19: A white blur.

That's just about sums this whole weekend up. It never stopped snowing -- heavy graupel Saturday, stuff with a bit more loft but nonetheless wet on Sunday. The rain/snow line rose to just below Snowbird at times. Now it's back down in the Valley, for I awoke to several inches at the house. It's all been enough to throw the town of Alta into Interlodge this morning, and while the ski area may not open at all today the road is currently "projected" to open sometime around noon.

I never got any photos at all, it was just too damned wet and stormy. But we had a large mix-and-match crew that shifted often throughout the day, including visitors Nick from Steamboat Springs and his mother from NJ, visitors Kerry & Liz from NJ, and Nate and Lisa from NYC who took advantage of conditions to pick up a last-minute flight out. I actually lasted 9:15-4:15 on Saturday, and Saturday night involved too much drinking and hot-tubbing until midnight, which meant that Sunday morning involved not enough ibuprofen. Sunday ended around 3:15 with dead legs and concerns about getting out of the canyon as the storm really ramped up after lunch time.

Everything skied creamy and dreamy in the dense new snow. The shocker was finding a 1600 vertical foot line at 12:30 p.m. yesterday that had absolutely zero tracks the whole way down. I mean none -- not refilled tracks, but "none" as in "no one had been out there." And they say that Alta gets tracked out by 10 a.m.! :lol:
admin":16dfnlos said:
The shocker was finding a 1600 vertical foot line at 12:30 p.m. yesterday that had absolutely zero tracks the whole way down.
Even Utah must have its fair weather skiers. But I guess you know that since you're married to one. :lol: