After a two-run teaser the afternoon before, sonny boy and I headed up to Alta for a 9:30 meeting with Marc_C and Dale. It was sunny and warm...gorgeous save for the lack of new snow. We were treated to the herd of mountain goats high on the cliffs at the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon before arriving, booting up, meeting up with da boyz and heading up Collins.
The phrase of the day: "Well, that didn't suck." I hadn't held high hopes after the fiasco the day before in untracked, but anything that had been skied extensively was actually skiing quite well. That included a Yellow Trail/East Greeley combo that we did twice, as well as Jitterbug or something around that part of West Rustler for which Bob Dangerous joined us after he headed over from Snowbird (I later learned that he repeated that 5 times after we left, it skied so well). Both of these runs were covered with loose, dry chalk.
We were ready for new snow, though, and that was already forecast for Monday into Tuesday. My kid decided late on Christmas Eve that he was ready to skip Christmas Day on the hill, so we slept in and hiked the lower third of Grandeur Peak behind the house with the dog instead.
The phrase of the day: "Well, that didn't suck." I hadn't held high hopes after the fiasco the day before in untracked, but anything that had been skied extensively was actually skiing quite well. That included a Yellow Trail/East Greeley combo that we did twice, as well as Jitterbug or something around that part of West Rustler for which Bob Dangerous joined us after he headed over from Snowbird (I later learned that he repeated that 5 times after we left, it skied so well). Both of these runs were covered with loose, dry chalk.
We were ready for new snow, though, and that was already forecast for Monday into Tuesday. My kid decided late on Christmas Eve that he was ready to skip Christmas Day on the hill, so we slept in and hiked the lower third of Grandeur Peak behind the house with the dog instead.