Alta, UT 12/27/2013


Staff member
Day 23: Skiing through a human pinball machine.

Today was the first day that truly felt busy this season. Not that it was really that crowded -- the Wildcat lot, for example, never overflowed, which it often does on a big powder day -- but all of the map readers who are presently out in full force were sticking to the primary groomers.

That was both good and bad. Good in that you could easily get away from them by simply leaving the groomed; bad in that getting to and from those quiet places at times felt downright dangerous. Today's visitors were truly unpredictable. You never knew when they'd zig when you'd think they'd zag. Devil's Elbow (which we used to get to Supreme) was a total crapshow, which I'll admit was not at all surprising. I hugged the edge and hoped for the best. I'm getting used to passing others on traverses, which I seldom feel compelled to do otherwise, although karma has already kicked me in the a$$ at least once for doing that.

The line on Collins grew so we moved over to Supreme. Once the liftline grew at Supreme (and Sugarloaf wasn't any better) we ventured over to Wildcat, where there were empty chairs going up the hill as even Collins had a short line by then. And go figure, the terrain in Wildcat was covered with beautifully soft, chalky snow. The groomer-skiing visitors don't know what they were missing!

As an aside, I had an interesting experience earlier this holiday week when one visitor, who was standing about 10 feet from the automatic sliding glass door into GMD, asked us, "Do you know how to get into this place?" :roll: I actually asked her to repeat the question to make sure that I heard correctly!


I skied today with Skidog and AmyZ, and lunched on the GMD patio with acquaintance Rodney, one of the few other locals actually skiing today. Then again, he's arranged his life in such a way to ski 5 or 6 days per week and still be financially secure at age ~50. =D> After lunch, however, we all decided to head down canyon and get away from the masses, for the snow isn't going to change much for the next week or so and tomorrow's another day.

On the way down canyon I gave a lift to a hitchiker who had to be at least 75 years old, another Alta regular. Where else would you see seniors hitching? And it took him the entire way down the canyon to tell me all about how he bagged a drunk woman in Albany in the 1960s.
"Zoo Week" is here. I've occasionally noticed at Mammoth that it's not necessarily the number of bodies, but their location and behavior that's shall we say "unique" during this week,.
I actually chatted on the patio with a guy who's living in the God-forsaken interior of Australia but returned home to Modesto, Calif. for the holidays. He took one look at the conditions in California and came to Utah to ski instead.
Admin":114vpsam said:
I actually chatted on the patio with a guy who's living in the God-forsaken interior of Australia but returned home to Modesto, Calif. for the holidays. He took one look at the conditions in California and came to Utah to ski instead.

CA isn't worth skiing right now. My wife who's pregnant asked if I wanted to go to mammoth on Monday, she said she'd work from the lodge while I skied, I said no thanks.

Be in UT 1/9 and planning on bringing a good storm with me.

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After skiing Solitude as my home mountain for the last 12 years I moved over to Snowbird this season. The biggest adjustment I've had to make is getting used to skiing amongst other people. Christmas day I was skiing Regulator at a pretty good pace when suddenly some guy comes sideways from behind me about three inches in front of my tips and completely blows up scattering equipment across numerous bumps. He had to have been inches from making my day get pretty bad, I never even seen him coming.

Bassackwards and Emma were an early season primer of what I was in for, after a while I just started doing like most others and just blowing by people before they could know you were there. The Cirque Traverse opened today, tomorrow will be my first time doing that with the Holicrowds, should be fun...
BobMc":1eyr8rpo said:
The Cirque Traverse opened today, tomorrow will be my first time doing that with the Holicrowds, should be fun...

Thanks for the update, Bob. I'll be curious to hear what kind of shape the Ho Chi Minh Trail is in. Big Emma, ain't known as "Big Enema" for nothin'. It's a killing field even on a quiet day. It's gotta be the planet's steepest green run. Unfortunately the only other real option from the top of Big Emma is in fact called "Death Road" by Patrol. Word has it that the insurers insisted on a different name. It's conveniently unnamed on the official map, where it's marked as the only black cat track that I can think of.
BobMc":382iynxf said:
After skiing Solitude as my home mountain for the last 12 years I moved over to Snowbird this season. The biggest adjustment I've had to make is getting used to skiing amongst other people. Christmas day I was skiing Regulator at a pretty good pace when suddenly some guy comes sideways from behind me about three inches in front of my tips and completely blows up scattering equipment across numerous bumps. He had to have been inches from making my day get pretty bad, I never even seen him coming.

Bassackwards and Emma were an early season primer of what I was in for, after a while I just started doing like most others and just blowing by people before they could know you were there. The Cirque Traverse opened today, tomorrow will be my first time doing that with the Holicrowds, should be fun...

Bob are you a mechanic? I know this name from another forum and just making the connection. Nice to see you over here posting? Much "quieter" over here as opposed to the other site :-)

Thanks for the update on DA bird.
tks for the entertaining report admin (now you've got me thinking of enemas........) :rotfl:

the line waiting reminds me of mt baldy on a busy day........hopefully jan 2nd , things die down......

this last week i did manage to see a guy skiing a LITTLE too aggro on Devil's Elbow next to me........I was thinking.......woah........slow down turbo, this is like the 405 in Los Angeles (a super crowded freeway for you non-southern Californians) I was entering a gate, I heard him slam into some unexpecting stationary bystanders......I didn't bother to turn around to see the carnage.......welcome to xmas week...... =D>

and of course the two wayward skiis that came flying across my fall line earlier in the week.......i'll call it a week... i'll do some chores, suck down some PM2.5, hack it up, go do some ice skating downtown at the gavillan and watch snow melt in the front yard........
Skidog":2dmx13g4 said:
Bob are you a mechanic? I know this name from another forum and just making the connection.
His place does great work (check out all the Maggot recommendations) but watch out for the NJ surcharge. :bow: