Alta, UT 2/28/2012


Staff member
Day 42: Yesterday didn't suck.







Deep powder, a closed LCC and an ebb and flow of numerous friends throughout the day made yesterday a special one. Most locals went to work when the road reopened at 11 am, leaving the place to the few of us who stuck around to steal the goods for the remainder of the day.

SkiVT-L old home week continued at Alta, for in addition to Denis Bogan and Jim Bauman with his rippin' family, we also had rogerk from Richmond, Vt. in town, as well as mrgskier and his own rippin' family. The omnipresent rdwore was there of course, too. I picked up Roger at the bus stop in the morning and returned him to his rental car at the end of the day, so it was good to spend a whole day with him after not seeing him for many years. Mbaydala ventured over from Park City with a few of his friends from the Wasatch Back, and from the photos above it seems that they had a good time, too. :wink: Bumped into Skrad and tirolerpeter during the day and they each had a big smile. Rumor has it that Bobby Danger was making love to a bottle of Nyquil. No clue where AmyZ was but she really missed it. Skidog was also noticeably absent, presumably waiting for the bigger storm that starts this afternoon. Winter's back, baby! \:D/

Surprisingly the frenzy lasted only for the first run, as things were much more subdued from that point on. You could still feel the big bumps underneath the medium density new snow on that first run in Wildcat, but as the snow stacked up throughout the day the bumps beneath gradually disappeared. We scored two absolutely divine untracked Greeley Hills on the second and third runs, then started working our way further north into North Greeley and environs. After lunch we stuck to the Bus Runs to keep skiing untracked right up until I quit at 3:30 after we finished up the day with a Keyhole.

I had a hard time keeping the P-tex side down yesterday as I bought it not once, but twice for the first time this season, including one truly embarrassing windmilling cartwheel right off the High Traverse. Of course I did that right in front of my neighbor, too. :oops: I felt like a total beater and was huffing and puffing as I tried to work my way through the deep snow back up to the track. Rookie tourist move. At least I now have confirmation that those new Dynafit bindings release as intended. Other casualties on the day besides my pride included my ski pants, which ripped right open on a tree during a Condo Run, but I sure didn't care. Screw it, I've got another pair.

I didn't take any photos at all yesterday, so all of those posted above are courtesy of mbaydala.
A wonderful day! Had to be on a 2:45 van to the airport, but got to ski until the last possible minute. What a differnce a day makes! Chased my younger daughter and her friends around much of the morning on various shots off the High T, then pulled her older sister out of the ASP top shack at Supreme for some lower-angle stuff off the Catherines hike for the rest of the available time. For the first run, it was still possible to feel the bumps under the new snow, but as the snowfall came in intense waves throughout the day, conditions only got better, despite the best efforts of the faithful to track it up. The crowd seemed just plain happy...I did not get any sense of aggro powder fever that sometimes strikes on days like this. The general consensus was that this was the best day of the year.