Alta, UT 3/1/2014


Staff member
Day 51: its all about timing.

I'm in fairly decent position.


More to come...
Like I said, this morning was all about timing. Ten minutes before the road opened I rolled into position about 20 cars back from the roadblock at the sign for La Caille. The Road opened only 4 minutes after the 8:00 prediction. After booting up at 8:45 I chose to wait in the Collins line before it got excessive.

My efforts are rewarded by absolute first tracks on Thirds via a cut back from Piss Pass. Visibility was horrible without any other tracks but you really didn't need to see anyway. I rejoined other crew members on lap 2, including rfarren. Our group would ebb and flow throughout the day, and while at times we were 10 or even more we were rather compatible and I never felt held up.

With the Collins line remaining long we headed to Sugarloaf as soon as it opened and got 3 laps, including Chartreuse Nose and Chartreuse Slot, with ski-on nonexistent lift lines before the masses realized the lift had opened. We finished the morning with two divine Supreme Bowl laps via Home Plate. Ironically, today wasn't nearly as busy as yesterday even though today was a Saturday.

The winds howled in the afternoon, moving the 10 new inches of graupel on West Rustler to provide a fresh canvas all afternoon long until I finally threw in the towel at 4pm.
