Day 37: The moron tax.
That's what I paid today, $10 to be exact. I was standing at the bottom of Wildcat waiting for the others, as I got hung up in traffic on the way up this morning, when I realized that my season pass was sitting on the kitchen counter. #-o My Park City pass is also RFID, and in order to avoid hangups at the lift access gates I deliberately took my Alta pass out of my jacket pocket when I went up there yesterday, and it wasn't until standing in my skis this morning that I remembered doing so.
I walked into the administration office and asked how much I got to pay for being a moron. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that it was only $10, far cheaper than going back home. I coughed up two five-spots and walked back outside to meet Bobby Danger, Tele Jon, Skidog, and two of Skidog's eastern friends, T.J. and Eric.
Both Alta and Snowbird were packed today, a sunny morning following a big storm. We rode Wildcat one more time to give the Collins line time to die down. Besides, Patrol was still working Ballroom/Baldy Shoulder and Backside. I think that they got a bit more than they bargained for today, for there was a stiff wind out of the south that hadn't been in the forecast. As soon as they'd make a bomb run, the wind would fill things back in.
Eventually, though, both would open. We enjoyed untracked windslab for a couple of runs on Backside.
After lunch, I just couldn't go any further -- I was too shot from yesterday. So was Tele Jon. Tomorrow's scheduled to be a full day at the Bird with Crocker and crew.
That's what I paid today, $10 to be exact. I was standing at the bottom of Wildcat waiting for the others, as I got hung up in traffic on the way up this morning, when I realized that my season pass was sitting on the kitchen counter. #-o My Park City pass is also RFID, and in order to avoid hangups at the lift access gates I deliberately took my Alta pass out of my jacket pocket when I went up there yesterday, and it wasn't until standing in my skis this morning that I remembered doing so.
I walked into the administration office and asked how much I got to pay for being a moron. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that it was only $10, far cheaper than going back home. I coughed up two five-spots and walked back outside to meet Bobby Danger, Tele Jon, Skidog, and two of Skidog's eastern friends, T.J. and Eric.
Both Alta and Snowbird were packed today, a sunny morning following a big storm. We rode Wildcat one more time to give the Collins line time to die down. Besides, Patrol was still working Ballroom/Baldy Shoulder and Backside. I think that they got a bit more than they bargained for today, for there was a stiff wind out of the south that hadn't been in the forecast. As soon as they'd make a bomb run, the wind would fill things back in.
Eventually, though, both would open. We enjoyed untracked windslab for a couple of runs on Backside.
After lunch, I just couldn't go any further -- I was too shot from yesterday. So was Tele Jon. Tomorrow's scheduled to be a full day at the Bird with Crocker and crew.