Day 62: Our own little private backcountry ski area.
Alta reopened yesterday for the first of two bonus weekends with only Collins and Sunnyside running. We picked up about 8 inches of new snow during the week after they closed last Sunday, so wherever it wasn't skied yesterday things were as smooth as a pool table. From the looks of things, there weren't many people there yesterday at all.
Nor were there today, either. When the lifts opened at 9:15 there were maybe, maybe 25 people there maximum. Anything beyond the top of Collins is now designated backcountry, and we headed straight for the "backcountry" of Backside.
Skidog arrived during that first run, so we went down to pick him up at the base of Collins and headed for Armpit. Bumped into "the esteemed Dr. Steenburgh" halfway down.
We headed back to the "backcountry" for a glorious run through smooth untracked juvenile corn on Chartreuse Nose, but by now we were hatching other plans. We stopped at Albion Base Lodge for water, then I grabbed my skins from the car in the Wildcat lot. At the top of Collins I mounted my skins while the others started hiking up the EBT.
We were headed for more untracked snow in Devil's Castle.
A short while thereafter we headed for lunch, bumping briefly into mbaydala on Collins.
They had set up a BBQ on the beach at Watson's. The strong sun made temperatures feel more like the 80's than the mid-50's shown on the thermometer, so it was the perfect day for a BBQ.
Just as we were wrapping lunch a guy skied up and introduced himself. It was Evren from these forums.
We boarded at the angle and did a West Rustler, which was softening beautifully even though the flatter terrain below was turning into glue. I thus decided to call it a day at 1:20 while the others kept skiing with Evren for a few more runs. Tomorrow's another day.
Alta reopened yesterday for the first of two bonus weekends with only Collins and Sunnyside running. We picked up about 8 inches of new snow during the week after they closed last Sunday, so wherever it wasn't skied yesterday things were as smooth as a pool table. From the looks of things, there weren't many people there yesterday at all.
Nor were there today, either. When the lifts opened at 9:15 there were maybe, maybe 25 people there maximum. Anything beyond the top of Collins is now designated backcountry, and we headed straight for the "backcountry" of Backside.
Skidog arrived during that first run, so we went down to pick him up at the base of Collins and headed for Armpit. Bumped into "the esteemed Dr. Steenburgh" halfway down.
We headed back to the "backcountry" for a glorious run through smooth untracked juvenile corn on Chartreuse Nose, but by now we were hatching other plans. We stopped at Albion Base Lodge for water, then I grabbed my skins from the car in the Wildcat lot. At the top of Collins I mounted my skins while the others started hiking up the EBT.
We were headed for more untracked snow in Devil's Castle.
A short while thereafter we headed for lunch, bumping briefly into mbaydala on Collins.
They had set up a BBQ on the beach at Watson's. The strong sun made temperatures feel more like the 80's than the mid-50's shown on the thermometer, so it was the perfect day for a BBQ.
Just as we were wrapping lunch a guy skied up and introduced himself. It was Evren from these forums.
We boarded at the angle and did a West Rustler, which was softening beautifully even though the flatter terrain below was turning into glue. I thus decided to call it a day at 1:20 while the others kept skiing with Evren for a few more runs. Tomorrow's another day.