Day 66: A luau.
Much, much quieter than closing days in recent years. Some of that is no doubt due to the fact that the High T, and therefore access to the annual High Boy party, never opened due to this week's rain/freeze/wind event that stripped the T of anything to hold on to (I got a kick out of the electronic signboard that read, "High T closed until midnight Sunday"). Some of that is also certainly attributable to the fact that our winter that failed to materialize, followed by an early spring, meant that many folks have gravitated to other more summer-like activities. The final nail in the coffin is that most of the Alta resident employees have moved on to their summer jobs.
But we had fun nonetheless and the on-hill party continued unabated at Germania Rock. Snow stayed good right to the bitter end, which for us was earned via a 4:20 lift ride up Collins and a trip 'round the world through the Sugarloaf backcountry. We finished up with our annual parking lot BBQ including the wolf (see photos below for an explanation), which was far more subdued than normal. Several key Alta employees stopped by for a drink or a conversation to say goodbye for another winter as we cooked steaks on the grill at our parking lot luau.
I'll let the pictures do the talking today. The celebration, for me at least, was very bittersweet.
Much, much quieter than closing days in recent years. Some of that is no doubt due to the fact that the High T, and therefore access to the annual High Boy party, never opened due to this week's rain/freeze/wind event that stripped the T of anything to hold on to (I got a kick out of the electronic signboard that read, "High T closed until midnight Sunday"). Some of that is also certainly attributable to the fact that our winter that failed to materialize, followed by an early spring, meant that many folks have gravitated to other more summer-like activities. The final nail in the coffin is that most of the Alta resident employees have moved on to their summer jobs.
But we had fun nonetheless and the on-hill party continued unabated at Germania Rock. Snow stayed good right to the bitter end, which for us was earned via a 4:20 lift ride up Collins and a trip 'round the world through the Sugarloaf backcountry. We finished up with our annual parking lot BBQ including the wolf (see photos below for an explanation), which was far more subdued than normal. Several key Alta employees stopped by for a drink or a conversation to say goodbye for another winter as we cooked steaks on the grill at our parking lot luau.
I'll let the pictures do the talking today. The celebration, for me at least, was very bittersweet.