AltaBird, UT 3/12-13/11


Staff member
Days 63-64: Warm spring sun

Well, Day 64 was anyway. I'm a bit late getting this up. Sorry. Anyway, Tony pretty much summed up Day 63 here:
I was feeling very uninspired by the snow and the weather, to say the least.

Sunday, though...Sunday was absolute bluebird bliss. Warm enough for beers on the patio under a hot sun. Warm enough to start softening west-facing runs, albeit an hour later than expected thanks to the time change. I spent much of the morning cruisin' with the Mrs., but in between got some thigh-burners in with Dale and Sam and Dean, my first runs of the season with the latter two. Dean's now back from BC, where he spent the winter playing semi-pro hockey, and I think that having the kid home was enough to get Sam out onto the hill. I suspect we'll be seeing more of them this spring, which is a good thing.