Avalanche legislation - Success! - Please no more e-mails

Dear Utah Avalanche Center supporters,
Today the Legislature's Executive Appropriations Committee approved $122,000 in one-time funding for the Utah Avalanche Center. If the money is well spent and we find other partners to match this funding for next season, they may make it a permanent part of the State of Utah’s contribution to the Utah Avalanche Center.
They also requested that we ask people to please stop e-mailing them! We flooded their inboxes; in fact, this issue generated more response from constituents than any other issue before the Legislature this season! So save your emails for next winter, when we will need you again.
We have just demonstrated to the highest powers in the Utah government that avalanche forecasting and education are very important issues that deserve to be funded properly. We should all feel good that we are part of such a tight-knit community that cares deeply about recreating safely in Utah’s mountains.
You made the difference. Thanks, everyone.
Jennifer Logan
Board Member
Friends of the Utah Avalanche Center
friendsuac@gmail.com (friendsuac@gmail.com)

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