I'd been itching to go backpacking in the Uintas, but I didn't want to be itching when I got back home - it's a subtle difference between bug season and not. We decided to chance it this weekend and take an overnighter to Kamas Lake on the Lofty Lake Loop, run clockwise. Executive summary:
- Easy hike in
- Reid's Meadow is beautiful
- We had Kamas Lake all to ourselves, negating the need to head to Cutthroat Lake or Teal Lake to find solitude
- Fishing was decent in Kamas Lake, with a cutthroat trout dinner earned
- Mosquitoes and deer flies were omnipresent, but Ben's 100% kept them at bay
- The brilliant full moon rising over the ridgeline around 11:30 pm last night was stunning
- Saturday night was darned chilly after 3 am or so, probably dipping close to 40 despite the 100-degree highs in the Salt Lake Valley
- The hike out today via the remainder of Lofty Lake Loop affords incredible views. The trail was rather busy from Lofty Lake down to Scout Lake and back to the Pass Lake trailhead parking.