Ball Butte, OR: Backcountry TR


New member
I ran into Dr. Bob Shannon yesterday at the “Par for the Course” skate ski race yesterday. It was very hard to force myself to suffer through a 10K ski race against skinny and very fit peers, rather than simply throw my board down and ride the lifts across the street. Especially since the surface conditions were wildly improved since Tuesday’s drenching rain. Starting right after the rain, we received nice little cold snow pulses that immediately freshened up the pack, covering the frozen puckered rain crust.
He wanted to grab the sleds and go AT skiing today up at Ball Butte so I said yes. Luckily my machine fired and so it was my first backcountry day this year with the promise of some nice freshies on the NE facing slopes.
Mt.Bachelor is reporting 45"/65" with 111" for the season. We're in good shape for the Christmas crowds.


Getting ready, man I love that blue smoke (sure!). We ride to the wilderness boundary and start hiking.


The SE corner of Ball Butte. You ascend to the right and drop into the NE facing bowls off the ridge. Last summer we glissaded on the numerous permanent snowfields found on this peak.


You can see the Mt Bachelor ski area just to the south. A warm front moved in later in the day turning the snow damp. I guess we’ll have to get used to it this season!


You can see the skin track and the surrounding area. The clouds were beautiful this morning.


It was a super day in the local backcountry with stable snow and good visibilities. Enjoy your favorite winter ale tonight!