<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 3/6/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>My Vermont Youth Corp. pass took me to Big Bromley on Saturday. This was my first time skiing here. Crust on dust in the morning with rock hard moguls. I crossed my tips and tumbled down the Little Dipper head wall like a flailing rag doll. I fell right on my bad shoulder and it dislocated. After sliding down 40 feet or so I got up and popped it back in. These are recurring dislocations so they usually aren't that painful. This one was more painful than usual but not enough to stop skiing. With Bromley's southern exposure and the blue jay day, the lower part of the mountain was corned up by noon. Most of the runs off of the Blue Ribbon quad were bumped up. Upper elevation never really softened up but the lower part had soft butter corn moguls. The groomers softened up and the traffic made heavy corn piles everywhere. The glades never softened and my hurting shoulder kept me on the trails. There was a small lift line on the detachable quad that I could see but I stayed on the Blue Ribbon side all day. As I drove by Magic on the way back home I could see that all of the natural snow trails had spotty snow and were not skiable. Lots of bumps on Talisman. I drove by at about 3:30 and saw only one person skiing. All of the trails were void of people.