EMSC":3gr45pw9 said:
Now that is interesting. $699 for a pass is a whole lot more reasonable than what the bird/Alta are charging. Yes the product is generally worse, but the price differential is large enough it may swing a fair amount of casual skiers. Experts like on these forums, not so much.
While most of that paragraph is true I take some exception to "the product is generally worse." "Worse," like beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For those who want steep 'n deep, then yes -- PCMR has less of both than the LCC resorts. However that group represents a minority of the skiing population even if it represents a majority of the more prolilfic posters on these forums. Your average skier is looking for more intermediate terrain, more grooming, more park features and more amenities, and PCMR has much more of all four than Alta and Snowbird combined. Plus it's got the resort town for après. In many ways it reminds me of a particular ski resort over your way that's enormously popular: Breckenridge. And there are
reasons for Breck's popularity, most of which are stated above.
If word gets out sufficiently about the new pricing structure I suspect that, for example, the lower pass price may take a chunk out of Brighton's season pass business. Brighton has long had a corner on a good sized slice of the local season pass market, particularly with kids and park aficionados. Brighton, however, is charging early bird rates of $849 for an unlimited adult pass, $449 for an unlimited student and $299 for unlimited youth. PCMR has more of everything that Brighton has by an order of magnitude, with the exception of natural snowfall and convenient UTA buses to get the kiddies up the hill after parents drop them off at the bus stop.
Agreed that the majority of AltaBird passholders are the hardcore who would rather fight than switch. However, there is a sufficient casual skier element amongst even their passholders and I'm guessing that more than a couple might bring their wallets to the Wasatch Back instead. One factor to offset the switch would be those who are so casual that they opt for a Utah resident Silver or Gold Card at Alta over a season pass, but there's no similar offering at Snowbird and of course the cards at Alta mean nothing to those who choose to snowboard. So going forward this may prompt even AltaBird to become more creative in their pass pricing structure, especially if places like Brighton and Solitude follow PCMR's lead.
One element from the press conference that never made it into
Gina's article on the upgrades at Canyons is that they indicated that pass prices, at least day passes would increase in price a bit to help pay for the upgrades. So while Canyons is adding these amenities they will have forces trying to keep them from competing in any price war that may develop as a result of PCMR's move.
One thing working against all of this conjecture, however, is our relatively small population base. We've only got less than 2 million people living along the entire Wasatch Front, from Ogden to Provo. And those here who are predisposed to skiing pretty much already ski anyway. So you're not going to build your market with converts, and you're largely counting on cannibalizing other resorts to sell season passes. With only 2 million potential customers to draw from, only a fraction of whom ski or snowboard, it's pretty tough to make up for lost revenue per pass with volume generated by lowering prices. These are the factors that I've brought up all along any time someone questions why Utah's season passes are so pricey in comparison to Colorado's.
Tony Crocker":3gr45pw9 said:
Does admin (or anyone else) have an idea of season pass distribution among the Utah areas? I'm guessing Alta/Snowbird have the lion's share despite the premium pricing.
I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing that your guess may be wrong. PCMR, The Canyons and Brighton sell a boatload of season passes, the latter two largely due to price point, and for Brighton also because of the cache of the parks, the night skiing and the convenience described above of sending kids up BCC, which may be offset partially because for teens with a driver's license parents would surely rather send them up I-80 through Parley's Canyon than up BCC. Brighton subsists largely upon locals and draws fewer visitors than its competitors, so any effect that all of this may have on Brighton's revenues may be magnified when compared to the effect on other Utah resorts.
PCMR seems to have hit on part of Brighton's appeal because in addition to the new pricing structure they've also renovated and expanded their night skiing for this winter, and will now run until 9 p.m. daily (I seem to recall it used to be 7:30 or 8 p.m.). Lights will this winter cover PCMR's Pick 'n Shovel Terrain Park and the halfpipe. Snowbasin and to a lesser degree Powder Mountain naturally have a stranglehold on the Ogden market, and Sundance is very competitive for those living in and around Provo, including BYU.