beehive basin. last powder day of the year i think. april fools! 8-10" on sunbaked crust. early in (8:15); early out (2:00). we experienced all four seasons today. snow, wind, sun, cool temps, warm temps, and even some r@!n on the drive home.
we got some nice powder on our first run around 11am. crust in some area's, but knee deep in others w/out the crust.
the powder lost it's air and became a bit more wet for our second run around 1:30 after lunch.
skinning on the way up:
Fan Mtn covered in the clouds
1st run
skinning out w/ beehive in background
we got some nice powder on our first run around 11am. crust in some area's, but knee deep in others w/out the crust.
the powder lost it's air and became a bit more wet for our second run around 1:30 after lunch.
skinning on the way up:
Fan Mtn covered in the clouds
1st run
skinning out w/ beehive in background