Big Sky Montana 2/25-3/2


Active member
To say this place is big is an understatement. Almost 4000 acres and 4350 verticle, its one of the biggest resorts I've been to. I went with the Diamond Dog ski club out od NYC. We ended up with a group of about 40 but I skied regulary with around 6 to 8 of us per day. There are no direct flight and we ended up going to Atlanta first, strange but it worked out as we got there around 7 pm, just in time for a little happy hour..they like their happy hours.

They hadn't gotten much snow in the past week but it doesn't get baked like other resorts I've been to so everything was pretty good. We took the tram to the top as the sun was shining, it didn't shine much after that. The tram gets you to the peak where the steep stuff dwells..and its pretty seriouse up there, very intimidating. We chose the Marx and Lennin chutes as you have to sign up with ski patrol to ski the main chute. The Dictator chutes as they are called are pretty steep at around 40 degrees but no big deal as they are wide. next up was Liberty bowl off the other side, this was much easier but very long. it can take you an hour to make your way back to the base as you make your way through the mogul and tree fields. This place has moguls..miles of would not be bored. Spent the day checking out as much of the area as we could...and waiting for the storm that was would come 2 days later.

We met up with a local who has been there for 20 years..we could not last long with him. The trees get very steep and tight..the one kind of skiing that I just don't like. he showed us around, went to some stashes, found untouched powder in parts unknown, but it was just too hard and scary to get through those trees. After a few too many close calls we split up, but with many stories to remember, he had some doosies...

The storm that pasted the west finaly hit, with force. We woke up to a reported 4 to 6 inches but it was more. Finaly got to ski the big bowl off the triple chair near the tram. Run after run off the ridge, some untouched lines where found. We spent the day back there and areas near it. With just enough powder to let it rip it wasn't Utah skiing but good continued this way until and after we left..The mogul and tree skiing got much better with all the new on the ground. As long as the trees where spaced far enough the glades were a breeze to bounce around in..until we found The Snake steep as outer limits and very was my limit..made it through though but once was enough. Glad the ski repair shop was in the hotel..very convienent...

The storm never let up affording us freshies every day..and freezing cold and strong winds..Utah and Tahoe got pasted with over 4 feet, we got around 2 over its course..but it was still going when we left..over a foot had fallen over night when we left, but after 6 days straight I was pretty shot, staying at 7500 feet takes its toll as well. This place is very different from most resorts I've been to in Utah, California, and Colorado, its the last frontier, no strip malls and big developments, very rustic and removed..perfect. highly recommended.
thanks for posting. you happened to hit one of the best weeks of the year i think. backcountry and even the slackcountry has been pretty sketchy with the recent snows. saddle mtn that lies right next to bridger ripped out to the ground a week or so ago. just one person moderately injured. i'm actually heading out there this week, but i've looked ahead and all i see is sun and warmer temps. i'm sure i'll find some stashes, but i'll be packing my split with hopes of putting it to use again. did you venture over to moonlight and the headwaters at all? how was it? i'm hoping that'll be the spot to be even with warmer temps; north facing and all. glad you enjoyed the trip.
Thanks for sharing, I'd be interested in seeing any pictures you have from the tram.

I'm out in Montana in a couple weeks and hope to bag a day at Big Sky.
I have to download a photo resizing program to post pics. i met a local up there and he says the sun screwed the place up pretty good. But you never know what can happen. I was actualy a little bummed we didn't get the pasting utah and tahoe got but it was enough to transform the place. While not bottomless powder it was plenty. And if you like moguls....damn! they have more than I've ever seen.
Admin":gn31ifup said:
kingslug":gn31ifup said:
And if you like moguls....damn! they have more than I've ever seen.

Life is too short to ski bumps.
I was there with a ski club in the mid-90's. As such, we had a welcoming reception with the general manager. Among other things, he discussed their philosophy about grooming, the key phrase being "It's a black diamond. Why would you ever groom it?".
Apparently he had never skied in the Northeast. :-o
Patrick":3b01cxxs said:
Admin":3b01cxxs said:
Life is too short to ski bumps.
Don't let joe hear you. ;)
As Warren Miller has said, we are born with a lifetime but finite amount of turns in our knees. So if you want to stop skiing sometime in your 50's.........
What is the max size for the pics?? As far as moguls go..I'm 47 and if you ski them right they don't toast you..too much...skied 6 days straight, half the time in the prob..but then again they aren't eastern bumps..they actually have snow on them...
kingslug":26t0i86n said:
What is the max size for the pics??

No more than 1024px on the longest side, file size no greater than 200 KB. Use Faststone to resize to 1024 pixels wide (or tall, whichever's longer) and use the JPEG compression setting behind the "Options" button in the "Save as..." dialog to shrink the file size to <200 KB if necessary. Simple -- takes about 15 seconds per photo.
Those that use Picasa can just "export" a multiple selection of photos at the appropriate quality level.
kingslug":2yfslu9r said:
As far as moguls go..I'm 47 and if you ski them right they don't toast you..too much...skied 6 days straight, half the time in the prob..but then again they aren't eastern bumps..they actually have snow on them...
Talk to me in 10 years when you're my age.
No long as I keep working out I should be fine..approaching 300 lbs on the deadlift..that keeps the legs in shape! Bikram yoga keeps em bending the right way!
I'll post some pics when I have some time..coming back to work is ..not fun now...

oh, I'll be back for a long weekend the 24th to 26th with some NY peeps, staying somewhere near the mountain at one of their friends house...same people I went to Big Sky with..
kingslug":31gmouej said:
I went with the Diamond Dog ski club out of NYC.
Liz is a member of that club. We first met in person when the Diamond Dogs went to Mammoth a year ago.

Big Sky did not strike me as mogul intense except for Challenger. Overall skier density is extremely low. Lone Peak has limited lift access as the tram holds only 15 people. And Moonlight Basin is about as deserted as a ski area can be.
There where moguls off most of the chairs and ALL through the trees. An interesting group we had..felt sorry for one woman who fell ill the minute she reached the lodge..altitude knocked her out for 2 days...funny thing is that most of them have given up skiing the east..they would rather take 2 trips out west...some only ski 5 or 6 days a year but are very good! We had 2 tree skiers who where impossible to keep up with...