Big Squaw, ME 12/9/00


New member
Keywords: 0*F, no wind, 100 mile visibility, no one above mid-mountain, hiking, knee-deep, powder, 2 weeks after storm, bulletproof on trails, wind deposition, forgot camera. <BR> <BR>Longer version: Did a few warmup runs on the open intermediate trail. Had too warm wax (plain old paraffin, a couple days old) moving very slooowly. Caught a lift up to mid-mountain, the double that runs to the top wasn't running. Cold!!! Things warmed up once I started climbing. Hiked up East Branch to Penobscot to the top of the double. <BR> <BR>A couple of inches of powder over a very firm base -- should be a great base once they get some snow (coming this week, maybe 3 seperate storms before next weekend). Checked out conditions in the trees -- very nice loose snow knee to mid-thigh in the trees, but still a lot of downed <BR>trees, stumps, etc. showing. Seeing as I was alone I decided to stick to the trails. <BR> <BR>The trails were um... Variable. Hoar frost, a few inches of dry wind-deposited powder, some wind-slab, some ice, some rime, lots of hard old snow. Made for interesting skiing. Some skier traffic or some new snow would do wonders. <BR> <BR>The trees should be ready by next weekend.