Bolton Valley, VT 3/11/00


New member
<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 3/14/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>Pretty much every time I've been to Bolton it's been on a free or nearly <BR>free ticket.. this time was no different. It's late and I plan to ski <BR>whatever the gods throw at us tomorrow so I'll be brief <BR>Highlights <BR>+ Fast crunchy woods around preacher interspesed with ledgy sections that <BR>got the brain thinking and the heart pumping. <BR>+ Chutes reminiscent of last year's Skivt-l partee, complete with beer <BR>buzz and teeth rattling surfaces. <BR>+ tight new cuts off the showoff chair, thanks you Ned Hamilton, Peter <BR>Glenn or whoever you are <BR>+ 1/2 inch of new snow, thank you snow god whoever you are <BR> <BR>Lowlights: <BR>- crunch, crunch, and more crunch, not bombproff.. but you couldnt stick a <BR>finger in it <BR>- snow many feet deeper than a few weeks ago <BR>- slick and I mean SLICK, chairlift seats.. I actually, this is a first, <BR>FELL OFF THE CHAIRLIFT today. First ride up on wilderness chair, Greg and <BR>I get on and are promptly catapulted out of our seat.. I land on feet and <BR>ski out, Greg lands on face and turns red. Has anyone else noticed how the <BR>double chairs at Bolton all slope forward with a pitched forward <BR>backrest? That combined witha good layer of hoarfrost on plastic was <BR>enough to kill today.. On one ride up wilderness, had it not been for a <BR>safety bar with footrests, we wouldnt have been able to stay on the <BR>chair.. seriously, this is a dangerous situation, someone should tell the <BR>powers that be. <BR> <BR>all in all though, a day much better than anticipated