Jim Bauman
New member
First all, news flash! It looks like Bolton's last day will not be April 8th as originally planned. They will operate between the 9th and 15th under the auspices of "Skier Appreciation Week" with $10(!) lift tickets. Their web site is not updated with this info. yet, and it may make sense to call ahead, but there are plenty of signs plastered up around the base lodge. <BR> <BR>I snuck away for 2 hours of sunshine and bumps. Skied the Vista chair exclusively, packing in about 10 runs total. Show Off and Spillway are in the best shape they'll ever be. Big Rock ramp to Little Rock landing is doable for those so inclined. Saw at least one boarder nail it. I chose some simple Little Rock air, instead. <BR> <BR>Ben Bloom woods are pretty prime, with sloppy untracked down low if you want it. TNT is also prime, though short. A good warm up for Sunday at Stowe. Devil's Playground is the same way, only better. That's actually a fairly steep run for about 20 turns. Vermont 200 has excellent, though a tad ledgy, bumps, and Hard Luck had been groomed but was very fun for short swing carves. <BR> <BR>'Bout the only downside of the day I could see was my own skiing. I got into a decent bump rhythm just about the time I was getting tired, but I realized my technique is nowhere near where it should be at this point in the season. Too much powder in the woods, I suppose. I'll take that trade off! The other thing I noticed is that the K2 Fours are not a bump ski. They're not bad, mind you, it's just that they have a heart of a recreational GS raceer. The tail is simply too stiff, and unless you are really on every turn, a moment's backseat means a rocket launch to the next bump. <BR> <BR>Not too much traffic, even for a perfect afternoon. Ski right on every time. If anyone's around Burlington next week and it's sunny, I highly recommend some $10 turns at Bolton. The shadowy Nordic trails should be excellent through April and into May. Living here is good.