Breck & Vail, Mar 9-11


New member
Back from a 3-day trip to CO with four friends. Stayed at Breck and skied two days there and one at Vail on Saturday. Overall, conditions were better than expected, and for a group of East Coast & Midwest residents, pretty satisfactory. Bright sunshine, no wind and 30-40 degree days are none too shabby if you can’t have fresh powder. It was only the slopes that got more sun which were heavy by the middle of the afternoon, and with early starts each morning we got the best of both empty trails and snow conditions.

Peak 8 early.jpg

Our group had a couple guys who were happier on blues and easy blacks, so we spent a good deal of the time hanging with them. The Peak 7 trails (Wirepatch especially) were a blast when they were empty, with plenty of variety. We also hit the blacks on Peak 10, again enjoying the drops and some big open turns.

For some adventure we rode the T-Bar, and hit White Crown several times on both days we skied at Breck. I really like this area and with the opening of Imperial it seems that these runs get even less traffic than previously. This means the snow had stayed in good condition with soft, chalky turns, minimal bumps and plenty of terrain features to play on. These runs were much more fun than the Chair 6 area, which was entirely bumped up and had more bare patches. Our blue-skiing friends found Chair 6 too much, but really liked the T-Bar runs, going back for seconds and talking about how they “dropped in” on White Crown. It was fun to encourage them into trying something more adventurous and seeing the kick they got out of it.

T-Bar traverse.jpg

A couple of us also broke off to go ski Whale’s Tail, which was great. Soft snow, with no sign of any melting/refreeze, and a gradient which was plenty interesting but not too intimidating. The choke point was bumped up, but we traversed a little and found our way through without too much alarm. We only had time for a couple runs but could have spent much more time up there exploring all the variations.

Peak 7.jpg

Mike on Whale Tale 2.jpg

On our day at Vail (Saturday), we managed to stay ahead of the crowds by starting at Ramshead, doing a few fast & empty laps on Simba, then hitting Game Creek Bowl. Then we moved to China Bowl where the sun and the crowds caught up with us. Poppyfields was like Killington on Presidents Weekend – heavy snow and too many inconsiderate, too-fast skiers. Shangri La was a different story – picking a line through the trees on much nicer snow.

Shangri La.jpg

After that, Blue Sky was a tale of two aspects – Champagne Glades were bumped up and hard, but Iron Mask was pure fun with light sugary snow and great terrain once you got down in the valley.

Iron Mask.jpg

Traveling with a group of IT and marketing guys, so there was lots of interest in the EpicMix cards – mainly around the business model. Why the investment? Do they just think that it will drive more visits? Or is the traffic data valuable? Or perhaps with the limited demographic data they collect when you sign up, are they matching that up with the lift data to develop marketing messages? Either way, certain members of our group were obsessing over their totals, so maybe its as a simple as appealing to the high nerd:skier ratio…

Overall, a very good experience at both mountains. Despite the start of Texas Spring Break (complete carnage on the trails) the crowds were easily manageable, perhaps because many locals were discouraged by the “poor” conditions. And the service was consistently strong – almost all the resort workers seemed genuinely happy to see us out there, with no obvious attitude that we could detect.
Interesting report. It's even warmer out here this week so things might be getting affected even up high by now.

It's all about perspective. Compared to the East this year, Colo is having a banner season. For the locals though this season is horrid compared to last year and also below a normal year. Visits by locals are way down, though as you prove it's not really all that horrible skiing.

As to EpicMix, I still think Vail Inc is appealing to only about half their visitors with it. Despite what you see on TV or the news, only about half of US folks really are that outgoing and effusive to want to be doing that stuff. The other half want to be left alone or spend time with only close friends and family on their free time IMO.
Yes, although we didn't time it quite right for the snow the week before, we were still pretty lucky on the timing of this trip. As a group of dads, we needed to plan a little in advance and, this year particularly, aiming for a resort with some high terrain paid off. For the same reason when I lived in London and needed to book an annual family trip in advance, we would almost always go to the high French resorts, which have some snow even in the worst years.

Your estimate on interest in the EpicMix card was on the money for our small sample - 3 of us were really interested in registering and tracking stats, and for 2 of us (including myself), we were not interested enough and/or unwilling to give up our info to get access to the numbers.
Needhamskier":1gf7dea7 said:
Yes, although we didn't time it quite right for the snow the week before, we were still pretty lucky on the timing of this trip.
More smart than lucky I think. March is nearly always the safest time to advance book a ski trip to most Colorado areas.

EMSC":1gf7dea7 said:
It's all about perspective. Compared to the East this year, Colo is having a banner season. For the locals though this season is horrid compared to last year and also below a normal year.
I would define Front Range Colorado skiing as horrid by anyone's standards through mid-January. Johnnash compared the first week of January at Vail unfavorably to his home turf in the mid-Atlantic. Conditions improved gradually after that, only reaching full operation of terrain and close to normal quality about President's week. From a financial perspective this is definitely the 3rd worst season for the region behind 1976-77 and 1980-81 due to early season being about the same as 1980-81. Overall snow totals won't look so extreme. This year will end up higher than a few other years where the drought months were later in the season.
Yes, and johnnash et ux are going to give it another try in Summit/ Eagle next week, still hoping to get some value from our season passes. I've been tracking the weather reports, and sad to say that since needhamskier was there, it's been highs in the 40s - lo 50s and sunny pretty much every day. The coverage will at least be much better than when we skied Vail and BC in January, but the surface conditions may suck. And I'm not very skillful at moving around the mountain to follow the sun. We're hoping that the storm forecast for Sunday- Tuesday puts more than a little dust on that crust. If not, at least we now have a fallback. The forecast is 1- 2 feet for the San Juans, and we know the way to Wolf Creek! Wish us luck. :ski:
johnnash":214uel05 said:
We're hoping that the storm forecast for Sunday- Tuesday puts more than a little dust on that crust. If not, at least we now have a fallback. The forecast is 1- 2 feet for the San Juans, and we know the way to Wolf Creek! Wish us luck.

Surely something will fall out of the skies. But beware that Colorado snow forecasts are generally a lot more hit or miss than you'd think given the technology these days. I've seen 12" of partly cloudy, but also 3" out of a "2 foot blizzard".

All that said look here for Colorado powder forecasts:

Joel's usually better than everyone else on Colorado snowfall forecasting, though even he gets it wrong on occasion.
And he's a hell of a nice guy who's shared beers in my kitchen. You may recall that he wrote a season's worth of weather pieces here last winter.

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