you're better off where you are right now with regards to snow. we've
probably recieved just over a foot in the past month around here. is
there still powder to be found? you bet! they are secrets
though. :wink: enough about how it's been, it's going to get better!
march conditions? expect spring like conditions, and an occassional
surprise of fresh. being late march and all. maybe you'll get lucky and
be here on a dump day or two. the way this season has been so far, that
wouldn't surprise me. we're bound to get dumped on at some point, and
it usually sticks around for a few days when it does. last year it was
during the holidays. this year it hasn't really happened yet. well, actually
late october dropped about a foot and half for big sky to open up for one
day on halloween(couple runs). so the start this year was promising, but
that was the end of it. i've been hunting snow in the backcountry a lot
lately. i've been getting lucky, but they've been about 4 hour tours just
to get there. lots of work! just last sunday i was at moonlight and found
a powder stash still lingering though. that place is fun.
i've posted my take on the three areas you can go to around here previously. ... c.php?t=67
your best bet for finding powder will be at moon, and it will be more likely
than not that you will have to hike for it. moon is a north facing hill, so it
stays shady all day long on the Headwaters. this is good if there's some
new snow on it. otherwise, it will be hard as a rock(up high) and probably
closed for safety reasons; not avalanches. if no snow has fallen in the
past few days when you visit, then big sky might be a better option with
the southern exposure, but the upper mtn will still be firm, and the lower
elevations will have softer snow, but also probably pretty tracked up.
all you want, groomers and park. :roll:
read my last report on the conditions to get an idea of what it's like right
now, even though it's no indicator of what it will be like when you plan to visit. ... .php?t=575
if you have backcountry knowledge and equipment i can point you in that
direction as well. a couple spots right next to big sky and moonlight. short tours.
longer more strenous tours around Bridger.