Brighton, UT 11/17/2013


Staff member
Day 2: Back on lifts

With last week's and this week's server fiasco I'm 5 days late in posting this. Apologies to all.

In reality, getting out and clearing my head was a good stress reliever. We had quite the ebbing and flowing group at Brighton last Sunday, including Bobby Danger, AmyZ, Colleen, Erin, Ty, and neighbors Tiny Tim, Soo, Phil and Phil's daughter Lilly.

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The skiing was quite a bit better than one had a right to expect for mid-November, albeit limited to Majestic (and the beginner Explorer lift) until lunchtime.

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After lunch they opened Snake Creek to the top, which took a lot of the pressure off even though they were only loading every other chair on Snake Creek. Prior to that, the lift lines for the slow Majestic chair were massive: 30 minutes in line, 15 minutes to ride to the top of about 500 vertical feet and two minutes down.

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We decided to lunch in the bar at Molly Brown's to give them more time to open Snake Creek, which was a good call. (Excellent steak sandwich, BTW.) On Snake Creek we were skiing mostly runs covered by natural snow only, and there wasn't a rock to be found.

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Off the groomed, however, one had to be careful. I wasn't so careful on one run beneath Majestic and speared a submerged boulder, which ripped my left ski off my foot. It took about 2 days to be able to raise my arm above shoulder height after that one.