In terms of snow surfaces, you still need high altitude and north facing in spring no matter how deep the snowpack.
Thus Bachelor, Whistler alpine, Sunshine and Lake Louise will be the areas of choice in PNW and western Canada. Once you get to late March or so, Fernie and Red have altitude/exposure flaws and you will need fresh snow while you're there for conditions to be good.
I've learned the hard way to assume you will NOT have new snow on an advance planned trip, and to choose a resort accordingly. Maybe 1/4 to 1/3 of the time you get some, and that's icing on the cake.
I would also expect the numerous high altitude north facing areas in Colorado to have a good spring this year. Cottonwood Canyons and Mammoth are normally reliable, but they need to pick up the pace in snow accumulation, a lot in the case of Mammoth, which I now rate at no better than 50% to be good during its usual prime period of late March and April.