Burke 01.12.03


New member
hit up burke for firsttracks!! day. thank you to those responsible for throwing that together! hoped everyone had a great time on the excellent burke mountain. <BR> <BR>okay okay, let's get it outta the way right now. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! okay, yea it was cold and the slow lift didn't help. WHO CARES? <BR> <BR>CRANKED HUGE GS turns on the dippers. WOW. also bear's den and willoughby's (sp?). burke is a carvers and groomers paradise. most square runs groomed to perfection and sah-weet turns straight down the fall line. <BR> <BR>bah, as much as my ex-racer bones love that GS stuff, give me some challenge and bumps! fox's folly was covered and skiable mid-january! do my eyes deceive me? last year in january i remember seeing rocks. a local reported they actually blew snow on it? any ways, hard pack but fun. <BR> <BR>ledges were hard pack and not so fun. wilderness was mostly hard pack with occasional sweet spots and okay. <BR> <BR>doug's drop took the cake. pack powder with some light fluff on top. over looked i think? no one seemed to be skiing the best bumps on the mountain. occasional thin cover spots, but mostly fun lines through good bumps. <BR> <BR>one of the old lift line trails near the dippers (tightrope i think???) was rocking. excellent bumps down the narrow former lift line. <BR> <BR>east bowl was groomed (blah), but the groom and fast snow made for an easy run out with little poling and skating. can't wait to get back up to burke after some more snow.
I agree with your post. The trails were groomed very well. East bowl hadn't been groomed in quite some time (I prefer it that way) however, it needed it if burke is going to keep marked as a blue square. <BR> Once the wind died down at about 1 o'clock conditions were very nice indeed. Even though the lift is slow there were absolutely NO liftlines (although I wish Burke could afford a high speed lift so that I wouldn't get so cold on the ride up, maybe someday). <BR> Fox's Folly did have some snow blown on it to cover up some of the rocks. The snowmaking crew did that when they were blowing snow on the adjacent Upper Warrens Way (talk about a place for some big GS turns) last week. <BR> The woods were in quite good shape as well although another 8 inches would make them perfect. Caveman and Marshland both had very good coverage. The latter wasn't technically open due to the grooming out of the new halfpipe on little dipper but I skied it anyway. Doug's drop to Lower Dougs (not groomed blue square) was definitely the run of the day.
yahhh dude <BR>im a pass holder but let me say thanks to firsttracks online for those vouchers- i actually managed to scare up some friends to join me on the coldest day of the year! anyway, burke is so sweeeet, the lift could use an upgrade but think of it like this- what would you rather have, a fast lift or trails with NO ONE on them and absolutely perfect snow for you and the intelligent few who would rather rip turns than avoid the crush at most resorts of 14 yr old out of control snowboarders and bunnies whose idea of a turn takes them from one side of a trail to another? i'll take my cold, slow life anyday- if you want fast and warm head south with the rest of the yutzes. OUT.
one thing i'm always amazed about at burke: i've never seen a bad or outta control skier on the mountain. everyone there knows how to turn um'!
I totally agree with the cold weather and the winds especially on the upper part of the chairlift, but it was a really great day ! A big thanx to First Tracks to let us ski it at 50% off !! <BR> <BR>As River and Tim said, Doug's Drop was really the funniest trail of the day... with Caveman and the longest unnamed glade between East Bowl and Powderhorn. It was my first time at Burke and I really enjoyed my day, with all the super glades everywhere. Some of them need a little storm to be perfect, but in general, they were great ! One of the most amazing one, is the one on right of Doug's Drop (going down). The "entrance" is really tiny, then it was probably the one with the most powder. <BR> <BR>There is just a thing that miss, in the mountain : steep trails. The terrain is not really steep in general and there is few real good pitchs, but the tree skiing & natural trails are really enough good to forget about steepness ! <BR> <BR>I took few pics, but at almost 0 degrees without counting winds, it was not the best day to take some pics !!! <BR> <BR>The nice pass of Upper Dipper to join the other trails <BR><IMG SRC="http://www.firsttracksonline.com/discus2/messages/8/1841.jpg" ALT="Upper Dipper - Nice pass !!"> <BR>Talking of snowmaking on Fox Folly... you can see, no rocks and interesting trail ! <BR><IMG SRC="http://www.firsttracksonline.com/discus2/messages/8/1842.jpg" ALT="Fox Folly without rocks"> <BR>Finally, the pic of the day (in better file size) : Wilderness <BR><IMG SRC="http://www.firsttracksonline.com/discus2/messages/8/1843.jpg" ALT="Wilderness - wow !!">
Thanks Marc for planning the Burke Day. We all had a great time. The woods on Caveman and Throbulator were schweet! We hit the powder on both sides for less cut up snow. Got a bit lost with Mike Reardon as we traversed too far skiers left on Upper and Lower Willoughby (I think these are the woods way over to skiers left of the mountain). Luckily we made it back in one piece! Thanks again Marc. <BR> <BR>PS
Glad everyone had fun! Our first on-site promotional day was a resounding success -- watch for similar events to take place in New England as well as other regions of the US and Canada in the future!