Another powder day - yessssssss! <BR> <BR>OK, OK ... it wasn't exactly knee deep. Nor even boot-top. But the 2-3" that the mountain reported in the a.m. had blown into areas probably 5-6" - more than enough for a truly delightful day. <BR> <BR>It was nippy, to be sure, but the sun made it more bearable, and the wind didn't quite live up to forecasts. Runs like East Bowl stayed fresh the longest, and the trees off of Wilderness and Powderhorn (skier's right) were a real treat. The woods to skier's left of Willoughby, however, still had a detectable crust underneath. <BR> <BR>Even the groomed was good! <BR> <BR>Some photos from today: <BR> <BR>Woods off of Powderhorn: <BR><IMG SRC="" ALT="Woods off of Powderhorn"> <BR> <BR>The mountain: <BR><IMG SRC="" ALT="The mountain"> <BR> <BR>The upper mountain under the Willoughby chair: <BR><IMG SRC="" ALT="The upper mountain under the Willoughby chair">