Headed up to see some friends in St. Johnsbury and spent much of Friday evening debating Burke or Jay? Noone won out, so half of us headed to Burke, while the other half went up to Jay. <BR>Got to mid-Burke around 9am. Parked right up front! There looked to be about an inch or so of light fluff that had fallen over night. The training hill (Warrens Way) was a sea of racers-was fun watching them while riding up the lift. Looked to be a ski camp or something as there were teams from Dartmouth, St. Mikes, Killington Mtn School, BMA etc.. <BR>Now, on to the skiing. Wow. I was very impressed with the conditions. I was expecting lots of rocks and bare spots, but didnt find many! Burke seems to have done a great job laying down a base. The natural snow trails were a little sketchy, especially Dougs Drop. Lower Dougs however was bumped up nicely, a little grass here and there, but no rocks! <BR>Spent much of the day yo-yoing from the east side to the west side. The best snow was found on Willoughby, Lower Willouhby, Upper training hill (couldnt ski bottom do to above mentioned race), Lower Fox's Folly, and the Big Dipper. Didnt venture onto Ledges as I didnt want to over extend myself the first day out, but my friends said it had excellent snow. <BR>There were no crowds to speak of...although every chair seemed to have at least 1 person on them, we skied onto the lift every time. All Burke needs now is a good dump and they'll be all set! <BR>Our friends who went to Jay reported that the place was crowded and got skied off quickly. They also said that all the snow they've claimed to have gotten must be in the woods (which for some reason they didnt venture into!), 'cause there were quite a few bare spots. All in all, a great day for all of us!