Cannon 02.14.02


New member
valentine's day two-fer $40 made me make a last minute request from my boss for the day off. i keep hoping beyond hope that every trip to cannon will be better than the last. for some reason, the opposite is happening. but at least i managed to make it count for $20. <BR> <BR>if you're looking for perfectly groomed curdory, man i have a got a secret to let you in on. yup, this ain't your grand dad's cannon any more! amazingly, even bypass at the steep section was perfectly sweet. unbelievable. <BR> <BR>for natural snow... ummmmmmmmm... lets see. go to mittersill and go off trail, that's what i did! old taft since reportedly getting rammed by a groomer has rebuilt sweet moderate sized bumps in a perfect line. a little hard packed, but after skiing groomers all day... WOW!!! barrons again, recovering from the carnage and had some nice spots. saved that trip for last as i was avoiding the summit due to the cold. <BR> <BR>also excellent was upper closed, middle closed, and lower closed (closed is what me a still partner opted to call some old lift lines with "Closed" signs and ropes ;). again, sweet natural ungroomed snow. upper closed even had occasional untracked! <BR> <BR>for in bounds, the top of middle hard was AWESOME, but it got progressively worse till the final steep pitch which was just nasty scraped. paulie's had it's usually huge painful bumps, why did i even bother? bumps under the zoomer triple and to the skier's right of zoomer were blah, with a three groomer wide strip of groomed in between featuring snow plowers and read entry boots skidding for their lives <IMG SRC="" ALT=":("> halfway down avalanche skier's right was a sweet bump field about 5 bumps wide. found some good turns in there. <BR> <BR>and that's it folks! forget about bumps, how about leaving some natural snow around, huh? everything groomed? c'mon!!!
THIS IS THE MAIN PROB!!! <BR>no more grooming the natural pdr stuff.let us skiers have that! cannon....come on!
a couple of pics for those interested: <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A>