Cannon Sunday 13 Jan 02


New member
Amazingly great day! <BR> <BR>Rte. 93 from Boston was a dicey drive. Entertainment provided by about a dozen drivers who decided to do some off-roading in the ditches along the highway. <BR> <BR>As we approached Waterville, safe highway speeds decreased to about 40-45mph tops. Visibility became quite poor, as the snow became heavier. <BR> <BR>Morning was just super, a few new inches on the ground. The 12" from last Monday helped a lot too. Still without terrain park and half-pipe, but they were "blowing" (to use their word) all day. Lots of powder everywhere. Lots of moguls on most every trail. Not a day for cruisers. I'll vouch for the 8" new. I heard they got 2-4 more last night. <BR> <BR>Place was pretty unpopulated as per usual. Sat anywhere in the Lodge we wanted. No wait at any lift or the Tram. <BR> <BR>Afternoon the clouds rolled in and dragged visibility down to 100 feet or less. Winds picked up later in the afternoon, but by that time,we were getting pretty burned out anyways. When we hit the car at 4:30, the clouds broke and patches of blue could be seen. <BR> <BR>No complaints, had our second great day skiing at Cannon this year. Just getting better. <BR> <BR>Looks like Monday is a "powder rule" day.