Coming to Tahoe


New member
Hey guys,

I'm coming out to Tahoe on Saturday till Thursday.

I saw that Kirkwiid and Heavenly have had some good snowfall recently. And i've heard that they're forecasting some new snow in the genral area.

I've been told to head to elevation areas (Rose etc) Is this still the case, whast the new update of where to go for the best pow?

If you'll be in the area i'll be rewarding all worthy pow info with a nice cold beer!

Last weekend's colder storm was helpful in that it snowed about 2 feet even at lower elevations. The area most impacted by the elevation issues is Squaw. Even after the New Year's storms it was reporting only 56% open, so I advised people to avoid it. Squaw now claims full operation but Silverado has yet to open this season. As Squaw has Tahoe's most exciting terrain, I would now advise visitors to check it out, but not on the weekends as some sectors may still need more cover, and thus the other parts will be busier.

Another 1-2 feet is predicted over the next few days, with snow levels below lake level; thus conditions should further improve before you arrive.