Edson Pfeiffelman
New member
Copper... 12/23/00 WOW!!! Great Boarding and Skiing at Copper. Holiday tourist are here by the hundreds, but with all the excellent early snowfall the slopes showed no sign of grass, rocks (except in wind bown area at the very top). I found the best snow in the trees (fell down and took me 5 minutes to dig out) I think the tourist are scared of tree runs, I had fresh tracks at 1pm. Speaking of fresh.. ahhh the snow is still pilling up. I had a fresh 6 inches yesterday and it was Grrrreat. well next week it is off to Steamboat... My cousin is there and he says it's the best skiing in the state and this weekend will bring 100% of terrain open. Yeahhh! Am I dreaming? Nope it's the best skiing/boarding in quite a while.