Crested Butte, CO - 12/30/05


Well-known member
Crested Butte is having a great year -- The North Face and Headwall lifts are open!

Overall, Crested Butte has very good coverage and the snow is very high quality. Even the trafficy intermediate runs were good.

Headwall is skiing pretty well -- you do have to pick your way through some rocks. However, it's open so rarely this early -- that you cannot complain.

North Face has better coverage on some of its more moderate rolling faces. It's sketchy at the bottom and I think the catwalk out is a better bet.

There are still sections closed -- like the Funnel area on the front-side and parts of the North Face.

If you are interested in skiing the Butte, this is a good year for it!

Overall, great day trip.

Although Crested Butte is now charging for parking. Where can you park for free in Colorado these days?