Crested Butte: Snodgrass Mountain Expansion


Staff member
The current report expressed two primary locations of concern that have consistently been identified as areas of concern in other previous reports.

Maybe I missed it in the news article, but what are the two areas of concern?
I was wondering who'd call me out on that. :lol: They're geologically sensitive areas, but hard as I tried I couldn't get specifics.
Admin":vwpz2af4 said:
I was wondering who'd call me out on that. :lol: They're geologically sensitive areas, but hard as I tried I couldn't get specifics.

I figured that it must have been an important point because the word "concern" appeared twice in the same sentence.

We covered this issue a bit in this thread from last winter... I remember Dick Eflin was none too happy about the roadblocks that had been put up against this expansion.
jamesdeluxe":qjz5io5t said:
Maybe I missed it in the news article, but what are the two areas of concern?

the area where the Crested Butte owners want ski lifts would be on old slide zones, so i guess there is concern about ski lift stability on the immediate underlying bedrock and/or future slides. i only read the abstract and introduction, but looks like an interesting read...for geologists at least :)