Dartmouth Skiway, NH 2/11/00


New member
<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 2/11/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>Got out for the morning and made some turns on a few inches of fresh snow. As usual, the Skiway wasn't crowded. The Dartmouth Winter Carnival NCAA races were being run, but there were still no lift lines. The top of the Holts double chair was fogged in. Didn't get over to Winslow. The lodge did get pretty crowded at lunch time (it's very small). A Volkl/Tecnica rep was there offering free Volkl demos. <BR> <BR>So, Worden's was closed for the big race. Lift line was my favorite run of the day. Nice packed snow with a few inches of fresh stuff on top. Pretty much everything was open, though cover was somewhat thin on some trails. I managed to get a of tree skiing in. <BR> <BR>While the lifts are slow and the mountain isn't one of the biggest, it's a really nice place to ski. There are no crowds and the people are really nice. <BR> <BR>joe <BR>http://EasternSkiing.com