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Dodge Ridge is having a good season with total snowfall so far of 448” and reported base of 84-100. They do have a lot of snow as some places under lifts are marked off to prevent lift riders from hitting snow riders. Dodge is just north of Yosemite and has a base of 6600’ and a top of 8200’. They did not get any of the snow that hit No. CA Thurs. night when Squaw reported 3” and Heavenly 1”. We left San Jose shortly after 6 am and arrived three hours later. Dodge is the closest ski resort to a lot of the SF Bay Area at 155 miles from San Jose and 160 from SF. It is only 30 miles from Sonora, which is much shorter than distance from other Gold Rush Sierra foothill towns like Auburn, Angels Camp or Jackson to Sugar Bowl, Bear Valley or Kirkwood, respectively.
Why go there when I have a pass to Squaw? My only one-day trip of the year, a free ticket and somebody else driving, plus a chance to ski with friends and go back to Dodge where I cherry-picked some great powder days in the past.
We parked against the snow at the base of Chair 5 and skied down to the main base to get our tickets. We went up chair 3 and skied a groomer over to chair 7 base, then down to chair 5 and went up it. Groomers were in great shape, although a little firm in very shady spots. It was partly cloudy and the snow in most places softened quickly. We went up long, slow Chair 7 and skied down Graceland to chair 8. We found very good snow on top, then icy spots in the shade after the corner. After going up Boulder Canyon - chair 8 - we skied Creekside which was the longest, somewhat challenging groomed run. It starts out flat, gets steeper, then drops off at a place where you can launch down a short steep face that is followed by a high-speed left, then a short gully, a high-speed right and another gully. I ventured off the groomed and found it was OK where flat with the sun was hitting it, but too firm where steep and north-facing. We skied Creekside many more times and finally went back to chair 7 where we skied the slow and sticky Stampmill to Bobby’s Freedom Run, which had some of the best snow of the day. Our last run, before going in for lunch was upper Stagecoach to Powder Keg, where there was a little soft snow in the trees and the north-facing groomed run was excellent. It was sticky getting back to the truck, where we contacted friends who drove an extra 100 miles by going to Dodge Ridge via Sacramento. It was even stickier skiing to meet them at lodge for a quick lunch break that included a Bloody Mary for our snowboarding friend who had not been out for a couple of years and had taken some hard falls in icy spots.
After lunch, clouds/fog moved in and cut visibility to a couple of hundred feet for about an hour before lifting. Our friends were snowboarding beginner chair 2 and we went up chair 3 and skied down with them, then went up chair 2 and skied a groomed run I spotted that had not been skied. We then took chair 3 to chair 5, where we skied soft Boneyard before returning to Boulder Canyon via chair 7. Our snowboarder friend was done after a couple of runs there, while my skier friend and I skied Creekside a few more times. Only on the first run visibility was bad, but it quickly cleared. We moved to chair 7 and skied SW facing Dynamite which is steep enough to keep you moving well even though snow was soft. We then skied upper Stagecoach to Separator, which was not on grooming map, but looked and skied like it was recently groomed. We finished the day with another chair 5 to Boneyard, where my friend missed the cutoff to chair 5 base and his truck so after changing I drove it to the main lodge and found him. 21 runs/19.6 K
Why go there when I have a pass to Squaw? My only one-day trip of the year, a free ticket and somebody else driving, plus a chance to ski with friends and go back to Dodge where I cherry-picked some great powder days in the past.
We parked against the snow at the base of Chair 5 and skied down to the main base to get our tickets. We went up chair 3 and skied a groomer over to chair 7 base, then down to chair 5 and went up it. Groomers were in great shape, although a little firm in very shady spots. It was partly cloudy and the snow in most places softened quickly. We went up long, slow Chair 7 and skied down Graceland to chair 8. We found very good snow on top, then icy spots in the shade after the corner. After going up Boulder Canyon - chair 8 - we skied Creekside which was the longest, somewhat challenging groomed run. It starts out flat, gets steeper, then drops off at a place where you can launch down a short steep face that is followed by a high-speed left, then a short gully, a high-speed right and another gully. I ventured off the groomed and found it was OK where flat with the sun was hitting it, but too firm where steep and north-facing. We skied Creekside many more times and finally went back to chair 7 where we skied the slow and sticky Stampmill to Bobby’s Freedom Run, which had some of the best snow of the day. Our last run, before going in for lunch was upper Stagecoach to Powder Keg, where there was a little soft snow in the trees and the north-facing groomed run was excellent. It was sticky getting back to the truck, where we contacted friends who drove an extra 100 miles by going to Dodge Ridge via Sacramento. It was even stickier skiing to meet them at lodge for a quick lunch break that included a Bloody Mary for our snowboarding friend who had not been out for a couple of years and had taken some hard falls in icy spots.
After lunch, clouds/fog moved in and cut visibility to a couple of hundred feet for about an hour before lifting. Our friends were snowboarding beginner chair 2 and we went up chair 3 and skied down with them, then went up chair 2 and skied a groomed run I spotted that had not been skied. We then took chair 3 to chair 5, where we skied soft Boneyard before returning to Boulder Canyon via chair 7. Our snowboarder friend was done after a couple of runs there, while my skier friend and I skied Creekside a few more times. Only on the first run visibility was bad, but it quickly cleared. We moved to chair 7 and skied SW facing Dynamite which is steep enough to keep you moving well even though snow was soft. We then skied upper Stagecoach to Separator, which was not on grooming map, but looked and skied like it was recently groomed. We finished the day with another chair 5 to Boneyard, where my friend missed the cutoff to chair 5 base and his truck so after changing I drove it to the main lodge and found him. 21 runs/19.6 K