Eldora, CO 2/12/12


Well-known member
Eldora continues to be one of the best Front Range options in Colorado. While I was down with the flu last weekend they picked up ~3 feet of new snow. Since it was an upslope storm, barely even an inch made it over the divide, and even Loveland only got a few inches. Apparently the storm caused multiple chaos. I heard that an RTD bus (Eldora has regular metro bus service) running up Boulder Canyon slid out creating a 1 lane shoulder route which meant hour(s) of delay in getting up to the resort. Once there reports were that the crowds were so large that they turned cars away at some point since all parking was full. Corona chair apparently had lines approaching an hour long... such that some were opting to hike out of the backside to the IP lift! Since the snow has been so horrible in the central mtns everyone in Denver tried to show up last weekend. Crazy. Guess I didn't miss much!

Anyway, since then Eldora has had two smaller refresher storms including 4" this past friday night. So 44" in 8 days sure beats most of the US resorts!

Due to the pounding from last weekend there are a few of the steeps that have been scraped back down to fairly boney (Right side of West Ridge, Placer Glade, 'central' Salto), yet everything is open barring the very bottom of Moose (which hardly ever opens). And just as importantly the snow is super soft and fun - and even untouched in one or two of my staches 8) . I now must use some 'ice cons' as directed by my 2 yr old...

:ski: =D> :bow: :snowball fight:

The flashier the better.

I skied from ~9:30 till a bit after 3pm lapping mostly the steeps off Corona lift but with a couple diversions over to IP and a final fast run down La belle. It was warm today. Probably close to the freezing mark with high cloud early then mostly overcast with a short snow shower. Lunch consisted of a chicken sandwich back at the car as I was trying to quasi replicate some ski boot walking/traversing in the middle of my day, etc... since I think that's going to be part of the day when I go over to La Grave. I got over 21K of vert mostly 'off-piste' style terrain. So I'm still out of shape due to the @#%&! flu that knocked me around for 8 days (including 2 weekends of course). So one good day at Eldo and some time in the gym with a few days in Chamonix before the 'big event' will have to do it.




