I made it to yesterdays meeting and spent ~45 minutes there. Since it was an open forum they apparently had been cycling different groups of folks through at about every 30-45 minutes all afternoon. They had a wildlife biologist, 2 SE group consultants from SE Group's Frisco office (the new GM has worked extensively with them in the past apparently), as well as the top 3 guys from Eldora representing GM, Mtn Ops and Marketing functions.
They were writing down lists of ideas and concerns and had filled out ~ 6 conference board pages of stuff that various members of the public had mentioned. I asked several questions/suggestions and listened for a bit too. Lots of interesting stuff and as expected, to some degree all over the place as to suggestions. Below is a long list of things that already have been implemented, are likely to happen in the short term since it doesn't require forest service approval, and some of the bigger options on the board for Eldora.
Already done this year:
* I'm surprised I didn't hear about it, but Eldora put in a new snowmaking water pond - behind the begginner area. Thus they have made snow for the first time on all cut trails on the mountain that have snowmaking pipe (they used to run out of water with several trails left to go).
* Not only do they have the water rights for the new pond, but they have additional water rights to expand retention ponds further at some point in the future. This jive's with the rumor from 2 seasons ago that Eldora had spent ~$1M on additional water rights.
* Finally some maintenance done on the bathrooms which were decrepit stink holes that didn't even have hardware to lock the door on the sit down toilets in most of them
Indicated by the GM as likely to happen sooner than later (next year or two):
* further renovation of the toilets (glove baskets, etc...)
* interior renovation of Lookout lodge at the top of Corona (see future master plan below as well)
* Increase snowmaking firepower/uphill pumping capacity. Eldora's base area and beginner area as well as lower half of the front side trails are on private property so things like adding some pumps or an extra 'straw' to the snowmaking reservoirs are easier and faster to accomplish.
Some of the all over the place suggestions and/or ideas the area already has for the Master Plan - esp involving forest land - remember some of these were random audience wish list ideas:
* refurbish/upgrade ho-hum beginner area (suggested by Eldora, so I would guess likely to happen).
* replace front side upper mtn lifts with HSQ
* replace Corona with HSQ
* add a more wind sheltered lift to the left of current front side lifts (see attached pic/map)
* Add a '4 o'clock' lift and 1 or two lifts on the back side that drop off at mid-mtn but go lower into the drainage on the back side. These lifts would be able to run in wind providing maybe 1200 or 1400 verts of skiing instead of beginner only skiing on windy days. Additionally these would expand Eldora's vertical to 2,000'. (serious consideration of these lifts underway by the area already, since I've heard of this option for a couple of years now). Would require a 'minor' permit boundary expansion.
* add a lift down the south side into jenny creek drainage - several issues with this; major special use permit expansion, south facing so melt out much quicker. However, good consistent vertical there.
* Obviously additional trails required for a number of the lifts mentioned above
* more glading in placer glade
* glading or even 1-2 cat width 'braided' trails between corona and muleshoe
* glading between corona and salto
* expanding Moose glade all the way to the permit boundary - which is over/past the current ridgeline boundary used today.
* snowmaking added to any new formal cut trails.
* major expansion/upgrade to Lookout lodge at top of Corona
* possible additional upper mtn lodge for food/bathrooms in between top of front side lifts and IP lift
* better access from begginer area to main area (currently a slightly uphill slog)
* wind turbines to power the place!
* I forget a lot of it right now, but a lot of other random stuff
It was interesting, informative and I found the new GM (first time I've met him) to be a solid guy. I asked and am told that the timeline is end of March to submit a formal proposal to the Roosevelt National Forest for the new Master Plan. I know that the Eldo mgmt historically has concerns about the Roosevelt team since Eldora is the only ski area in Roosevelt and the forest service guys simply aren't up to speed on the issues, processes and management of ski areas the way that other forest service offices are in Colo. Not a 'they're bad guys thing', but that they simply don't have the experience or nuances of ski area workings and development. Should be interesting. Sounds like by March it'll be into the NEPA process. Good luck Eldo mgmt team.
Notes on the map (some suggested by Eldo, some by the audience):
* orange lines are suggested lifts or replacements, with the dashed orange line the suggested expansion of the permit boundary for proposed mid-mtn backside lifts.
* blue squiggles are suggested runs or glading
* red circles - top of the mtn suggested upper mtn lodges/expansion