As many of you probably know the space shuttle Endeavour was transported to LAX on Sept. 21 with flyovers of several California landmarks. I viewed that from the hills above JPL in La Canada. The more interesting challenge has been the past 2 days, transporting the shuttle along 12 miles of streets to the California Science Center, which is in Exposition park next to USC and the Coliseum. On Thursday evening Endeavour was moved about a mile north from the airport. Friday evening it was moved a short distance along Manchester Blvd. including an overpass crossing the 405 freeway.
Today's schedule included 3 stops for people to gather, the Forum in Inglewood ~8-9AM, the Crenshaw Plaza ~2PM and the final arrival at the Science Center ~8:30PM. I thought it would be better to take my chances along the route somewhere despite the warning that many sidewalks would be closed due to tight clearances. I chose the area halfway between the Forum and Crenshaw Plaza but upon arriving in that area ~9:30AM Crenshaw Blvd. was still open so it was obvious Endeavour was behind schedule. I drove down to 80th St., found parking a block away and walked over to the route on Crenshaw where many of the locals were waiting but it wasn't a huge crush of people.
393 trees had to be cut down for clearance (supposedly 3x that many will be planted) and 200 light poles temporarily taken down.
At 81st St. temporary poles were installed to raise the power lines high enough to clear Endeavour's 57-foot tail.
I sat in the shade next to a surviving tree but the police came by and said no one could be within a block of 81st because of that overhead power line.
I moved south to 82nd St. where plates and a dirt covering had been put on the road to protect water lines under the street.
Several utility workers were poised in their buckets with cameras with a plane coming into at LAX in the background.
With ongoing delay I heard the shuttle was hung up a few blocks away so I started walking south past 82nd Place.
Crenshaw Drive was blocked at 83rd St. but there was an alley to get down to 84th St. where Endeavour was stopped.
The nose shows a lot of wear and tear though 25 missions was the least of any of the shuttles.
Here's why Endeavour was stopped.
Within ~10 minutes after I arrived it was on the move and clearing that tree by about a foot.
I posed for one pic.
I went back up the alley to 83rd St.
I was eventually able to walk along the raised retaining wall at lower right and get better shots of Endeavour.
Closer view of wings and tail
As it moved past 83rd St here's a good view of the transporter underneath Endeavour.
The transporter is separated left and right sides because in some places like 82nd St. it must straddle a median strip.
These were from my closest spot on the retaining wall.
Endeavour was trailed by this vehicle, where I presume the guy in the bucket can check wing clearance from behind.
Final close-up of the thrusters
I took these Endeavour pics between 11:15 and 11:45AM. The tree I saw at 84th St. was obviously not the only hangup. At 8PM it is just reaching Crenshaw Plaza and making the turn onto MLK Blvd., where it was supposed to be 6 hours ago.
Today's schedule included 3 stops for people to gather, the Forum in Inglewood ~8-9AM, the Crenshaw Plaza ~2PM and the final arrival at the Science Center ~8:30PM. I thought it would be better to take my chances along the route somewhere despite the warning that many sidewalks would be closed due to tight clearances. I chose the area halfway between the Forum and Crenshaw Plaza but upon arriving in that area ~9:30AM Crenshaw Blvd. was still open so it was obvious Endeavour was behind schedule. I drove down to 80th St., found parking a block away and walked over to the route on Crenshaw where many of the locals were waiting but it wasn't a huge crush of people.
393 trees had to be cut down for clearance (supposedly 3x that many will be planted) and 200 light poles temporarily taken down.
At 81st St. temporary poles were installed to raise the power lines high enough to clear Endeavour's 57-foot tail.
I sat in the shade next to a surviving tree but the police came by and said no one could be within a block of 81st because of that overhead power line.
I moved south to 82nd St. where plates and a dirt covering had been put on the road to protect water lines under the street.
Several utility workers were poised in their buckets with cameras with a plane coming into at LAX in the background.
With ongoing delay I heard the shuttle was hung up a few blocks away so I started walking south past 82nd Place.
Crenshaw Drive was blocked at 83rd St. but there was an alley to get down to 84th St. where Endeavour was stopped.
The nose shows a lot of wear and tear though 25 missions was the least of any of the shuttles.
Here's why Endeavour was stopped.
Within ~10 minutes after I arrived it was on the move and clearing that tree by about a foot.
I posed for one pic.
I went back up the alley to 83rd St.
I was eventually able to walk along the raised retaining wall at lower right and get better shots of Endeavour.
Closer view of wings and tail
As it moved past 83rd St here's a good view of the transporter underneath Endeavour.
The transporter is separated left and right sides because in some places like 82nd St. it must straddle a median strip.
These were from my closest spot on the retaining wall.
Endeavour was trailed by this vehicle, where I presume the guy in the bucket can check wing clearance from behind.
Final close-up of the thrusters
I took these Endeavour pics between 11:15 and 11:45AM. The tree I saw at 84th St. was obviously not the only hangup. At 8PM it is just reaching Crenshaw Plaza and making the turn onto MLK Blvd., where it was supposed to be 6 hours ago.