New member
After living in Ogden, UT from APR 2007 through OCT 2009, we moved to Garmisch for a 3-5 year civilian assignment as a US GOV employee. Although Northern UT has no downside regarding climate in our opinion (long hot summers for wife, great cold and snow for me), we jumped at this opportunity as a once in a lifetime thing. We're still opening boxes and settling in, but I'll try and post some pics/updates/tips as the winter moves forward. It's difficult to adjust back to an east-coast like winter that starts and stops in spurts (granted, our two winters in northern UT were pretty solid according to locals). So far, maybe 10 inches of snow in town. The Zugspitze area has been great since the end of OCT, but the classic area is kind of a mess of blown snow piles, cat tracks and ice. The Zugspitze has been too much of a hike to get to amidst our move-in status, and the classic area isn't quite worth it yet.
Until winter really settles in, most people here do the winter hike thing up to the many huts for a warm meal, beer, drinks, and then sled back down to the valley (thus making it difficult to complain about winter's slow start!). This is our Christmas day plan, so hopefully I'll have something to report. If anybody drops in to Garmisch this winter, the best tip we have is the lodge at the base of the Hausberg lift in town. Each night they run a special. Most notable is Wed schnitzle night at EUR 5.50. Even with the bad exchange, it's a good deal. Last night was some type of anniversary too, so their .5L beers were ONE EUR EACH!!
Anyways, hopefully some posts here will be fun for anybody in CONUS during a lull in storms (West) or long thaw (east).
Until winter really settles in, most people here do the winter hike thing up to the many huts for a warm meal, beer, drinks, and then sled back down to the valley (thus making it difficult to complain about winter's slow start!). This is our Christmas day plan, so hopefully I'll have something to report. If anybody drops in to Garmisch this winter, the best tip we have is the lodge at the base of the Hausberg lift in town. Each night they run a special. Most notable is Wed schnitzle night at EUR 5.50. Even with the bad exchange, it's a good deal. Last night was some type of anniversary too, so their .5L beers were ONE EUR EACH!!
Anyways, hopefully some posts here will be fun for anybody in CONUS during a lull in storms (West) or long thaw (east).