Heading to Whistler?


New member

Just wanted to introduce myself, I'm Scott I run a website in Whistler called http://www.whistler24.com. It contains real life snow reports from someone actually living in the valley and ride the hill most days, it also includes restaurant reviews, and event guides so you can always find something to do.
Anyway, happy to be part of the community, if anyone has any questions about Whistler I'd be happy to help. there is a great seasonaires tips guide under the local menu if anyone is doing a season.


Thanks for the feedback. I am just starting out with the snow reports so im just trying to get a good balance for interesting information without being too 'meteorologist like'. Can you show me some websites that you use for your snow information so I can see how they are written? I'd like to improve that section of my site a great deal

I find our reports similar but from different aspects, as Greg is a skier and myself a boarder we find terrain differently. But I think its good to have reports from different areas of the resort to give a wider picture of whats going on. I have started to incorporate more detail into the posts such as snow depths, lots of photos. and a better description of the day. This I will be build on as I go so if there is anything that you would like to hear about let me know and I would be happy to research and incorporate it into my posts.

should be an amazing and white christmas, lots of now recently, cold temps and clear conditions due.
stay tuned for write ups of conditions, whats on.
whistler24.com":3q67vs0f said:
should be an amazing and white christmas, lots of now recently, cold temps and clear conditions due.
stay tuned for write ups of conditions, whats on.

Thanks, looking forward to it.
Hi Rob,
I've no idea the weather forecast changes daily here as does the temps and snow condition, when I looked at the weather a couple of days ago we were due snow this week and now its changed to clear. The only thing I can tell is what its like right now, im no meteorologist. :-)
rfarren":37kebbqc said:
What's gonna be like from the 28th till the 2nd? That's when I'm there.

Happy New Year! to you Rob you lucky bastard, the fore-cast as of 3am today is saying 76cm for W/B! So your timing is Perfect dude! I am on my Interior BC tour with my sons - we have had awesome bluebird days so far, Christmas day and Boxing day @ Kicking Horse were fantastic. There was a wicked inversion with -15C at the base with about -1C at the top. We are now in Revelstoke...new posts on both to follow with pictures and helmet cam vid...Rock on dude and welcome to Canada!
Hopefully you're right. I'm hitting the mountain tomorrow, and from the look of the village it seemed pretty nice. Sadly, there doesn't seem to be any sun in the skies, but there are certainly flurries. People here are saying that thursday and friday are going to be the big snow days. The best news yet seems to be that the snow line will be at the valley which means Nikki won't have to learn in the rain. Hopefully by thursday she should be skiing comfortably on blues, and will be able to hit the alpine.
The main learner area on Whistler is at Mid station on the 'Olympic chair' which is a slow fixed chair, so even if the freezing level rises mid station should be rain free.
The forecast is looking good for the coming week, the weather patterns seems to be coming cycles recently so if its anything like the last 2 storms we should be in for great powder days.