:roll: I want to talk about helmets. I have been skiing since latency years as a kid. Admittedly, I used to ski without one, even race without one and medal without one. I used to think that they were cool, but, parents did not buy one for me, had no job. Now, I think that theyare essential. Yes, I am a nurse, emergency room nurse at that, across the street from a very busy ski resort. Yes, I am a ski patrol. Yes, I have been a traveling nurse and seen crazy things in states with no helmut laws on motorcycles?????? Yes, I am a crazy Californian with Finnish roots and ancestry! So, it is troubling that not more skiers wear helmets.
I have now purchased several helmuts for different kinds of weather, warm, temperate and frigid. They were not expensive except the warm cold weather helmet.
E=MC squared on your head, or mine for daring to bring up the subject.
I ski with a local woman who went over the side of the hill, no chains, and acts like a kid, at best. She was one of the first introduced to me at Mt. Baldy, where I patrol.
I have decided to be vocal about these issues! (Inspired by course in politics required for my Master's degree now!)Carol
I have now purchased several helmuts for different kinds of weather, warm, temperate and frigid. They were not expensive except the warm cold weather helmet.
E=MC squared on your head, or mine for daring to bring up the subject.
I ski with a local woman who went over the side of the hill, no chains, and acts like a kid, at best. She was one of the first introduced to me at Mt. Baldy, where I patrol.
I have decided to be vocal about these issues! (Inspired by course in politics required for my Master's degree now!)Carol